BrianGriffin has no patience for this

Tesla is just a benefactor of what has, unfortunately, become now commonplace: a strong idolization and worship of culture icons that waivers on becoming a person’s whole identity. See also: our departing president, “mommy bloggers”, stance bros, ad infinitim.

I think it’s just too small. It’s still covering all the breathing holes. 

It’s just tradition. Johnson was sworn in on Air Force One while in the air, after all.

Yeah, this. It’s too much for most people. It seems like information overload just from staring at a photo, I can’t imagine how it would be in real life. HUDs have existed for decades and the car receiving information this version is showing has existed for at least 8-10 years.  There’s a reason it’s not mainstream

The real answer lies between the two you’ve heard. HUD windshield glass is a bit different, but it’s usually only about ~$100 more than non-HUD glass. And yeah, you can use the non-HUD glass, it just isn’t as clear. 

Let’s table the cats for a second. First, newly built electric cars ARE required to make noise of at least 43db as of late 2020. I believe this is stupid, but it’s codified under the label of “pedestrian safety”.

Is it weird that these just don’t do anything for me? I was born in ‘85 so I never saw a RX7 on the road as a kid and they certainly weren’t a thing I had any thoughts on as a teen. They’re too old to get exited over and I don’t have any personal connection to one (vs, say, a 70s Celica which I remember my mom

I just looked at the photos again. It was titled 4/2019. Which means he’s had it 20 months, since we’re now in 2021. Less questionable knowing that. 

Good point. I don’t live in Cali so I forget you guys have an actual tailpipe emissions test. That could be an issue and perhaps why he’s selling. 

I hear ya, but really the only thing I’d do is a clutch. The window eff it, leave the top down. Seats get covered and I’d just get a lumbar cushion. The tires are unknown, but even preowned summers wouldn’t be that much (and could be resold later).

The “no dicers” are the people thinking you need to return this to factory condition in order to be enjoyable. You’re probably the same people that have matching towels in your bathrooms and don’t use the dishwasher because it doesn’t get the glasses “clean enough”.

Dude I just started watching those two today, because I hadn’t realized they were on our stock exchanges until you mentioned it. Holy. Shitballs. Batman. 

My mom was also this way. If I asked if she wanted help with dishes, vacuuming, or whatever I would get some noncommittal response. But she’d be annoyed I didn’t, say, come do laundry with her. I ASKED YOU MOM - but no, I should “just do it”. #boomers, amiright?

It’s in the $60s now, so like at least two weeks if you shop at Aldi. 

Except Nio is on the NYSE. 

As with many things, totally should have bought Nio stock when my car friends told me to 🤦🏻‍♂️

I may be in the minority here, but a garbage disposal is the only MUST HAVE appliance in my life. If I buy a house and there’s not one installed, I’m putting one in within the first week.

I agree. I have a LR4 with like 112k miles and I’m keeping it in spite of the couple grand a year repair bills. 

Point of article: in 2021 you’re fucked no matter what you do, so don’t even bother trying to explain. 

People who want to call each other “fiancée” and not girl/boyfriend but also realize getting married is fucking stupid and should be avoided unless you need the piece of paper for insurance reasons?