BrianGriffin has no patience for this

I just bought a decently sized, decently upgrade townhome in a decently nice suburb of Cleveland for $75k that I’m gonna use as a rental property. Before you go eye-rolling, it’s also in the same general neighborhood (and school district) as $750k-1M homes, too. There’s still value out there if you know where to look,

Uh, no. Read what I said. The Democratic platform should be fiscal support WITHOUT crossing the line to perceived socialism (ie: government gives free stuff to everyone). Increasing the threshold of who “needs” support would work, as that’s fiscal policy to increase monetary circulation - but not handouts to *all

People tend to be less fiscally conservative than socially conservative. Start by increasing “support” programs, expanding eligibility for Medicaid, expanding debt support and subsidies. Going whole hog on “free healthcare and free college” becomes a social issue and the country isn’t ready yet. I’m in full support of

I’m familiar with the area. It’s very blue collar, fairly white and racist, and more than a little sketchy. Exactly Trump’s key demographic.

First of all, a decent house in Youngstown costs $15,000.  You could renovate one for what they spent on the wheels.

It was expensive AF for what you got. 

There is so much wrong with this comment. 

The SMG transmissions were awful and prone to failure. I don’t blame the guy for replacing it with a manual when the SMG gave up the ghost. 

Yep. The automatic was so, so laggy that I almost got squished by many a truck, turning out of my office complex. 

Dude. I couldn’t live 14 MONTHS as a B5.5 Passat owner (I think I went ten)...idk how you went 14 years unless the first 13 were uneventful. I mean, repairs are whatever, but when I put my foot to the floor and the car didn’t accelerate until 15 seconds later...that was a no go (no pun intended). It was the first car

I mean...that’s a pretty terrible situation when you think about it. The employees have to be present and monitored in order to not misbehave on the clock?  Says a lot about the dealership model in general right there. 

I live near Reading and there were SO MANY cars and people going to today’s rally. Mostly younger people, which horrifies me doubly for some reason. It makes me sad that our local community is likely going to see an uptick due to a pointless rally and then combined with those people going to vote in person on Tuesday. 

I would rather be taken to the grave in a wagon than one of these:

Is it possible to disagree with both parties on this?

You’re probably right, though he said he didn’t like the Sienna. Wish he would have explained why. 

Remote start and code the car to start with the passenger seat heater on. Problem solved!

There’s two different steering wheel options?  The first one is very attractive, the second looks like the rest of the lineup and weirds me out. 

Is the alternator larger than the engine?!

Could you imagine be a 56(!!!!) year old, dating someone almost 30(!!!!!!) years your junior, and being the “young guy” in her love life? Good god the pretty people are not like us.

Congrats on full authorship! I’m pumped to read more of your writing. I didn’t even realize who the author was until I got to the end, but the whole time I was thinking, “huh, this is so well written and way more interesting than most of the stuff they post”... Great job!