BrianGriffin has no patience for this

You make an interesting argument about acceleration times. My gf has a 2019 Outback, and my biggest complaint is that it’s too jumpy from 0-15mph and then absolutely gutless above 45mpg (like 90s econobox am-I-gonna-make-this-merge slow).

Probably / maybe replaced under warranty.

200%. In most of my relationships, I’ve done a majority of the “housework” while my girlfriends did...not housework. Generally slept. 

My last girlfriend (and her friends) were slobs. She never vacuumed in two years. Never washed a dish. Never did her own laundry. Never cleaned out her car. Was typical for her friends, too. One day they were talking about washing sheets and her friend said “yeah, I guess I should. I haven’t changed them in amount six

“Immediately put down” by whom?

I had to teach a class at 8am the day after Trump won in 2016. It was about a half hour of all of staring at each other in a room, unable to speak. 

When i read the opening paragraphs, my brain was thinking “well, this is going to happen no matter what the outcome is”.

Exactly. I had to stop reading after the first few paragraphs. We’re in a pandemic!  Follow the fucking guidelines!  If the students don’t follow the guidelines and aren’t acting with a modicum of responsibility, OF COURSE THEY ARE THE ONES TO BLAME. There is no possible plan that any administration could roll out

I would make the argument that she 100% could be a mean, petty, arrogant, controlling, manipulative, demeaning, and condescending boss WITHOUT being sexist / racist / harassing. She was an equal opportunity asshole to all the “peons” she encountered.

Alright. I’m not saying you’re wrong, but that whole approach disregards understanding *why* a significant portion of the population clings to religion, clings to racism, clings to misogyny, and, overarchingly, fear. I refuse to believe that ~48% of the American population is “evil”.

That’s all fine and good, but without digging in and attempting to understand *why* the cult leader and cronies get their support, there’s not much good in just wailing and complaining. Trump and the GOP are evil - but we need to understand why they’re still getting support and craft a platform to undermine that. 

That’s an ineffectual argument and you’re taking away the justification for the cause while making it. The reason that the life expectancy in the late 1700s was so low was due to the number of women and newborns who died in childbirth. If you made it to, like, 12 and we weren’t in a war, you were good to make it to

I was under the impression that equity in property counted as “net worth” when it came for Medicare to pay for a nursing home, no?

More people need to hear this. That’s a great example, and you didn’t even include expenses of sale like commissions and transfer taxes. Your home is generally neither a good nor bad investment, just something that you need to survive. I typically buy homes and typically move frequently, I go into them understanding

I like your attention to detail. So basically, fast charging is technically possible, but a logistical nightmare. 

+1000 internet dollars. This is awesome. 

Exactly!  All of the trucking companies I’ve...uh...looked into have done the same.  But if the rigs can only drive for 12 hours max...

There’s a tiny bit of safety logic to battery trucks, too. Which is why they should not just be encouraged, but mandated once the tech gets to a certain point.

Hi! Used to live there. Taos is a very famous ski resort, so shame on you for not recognizing it.