Brian Grammer

Also, how the fuck hard is it to put the biggest plates on the bottom, smaller plates on those, bowls on the top and silverware at the very top? If others aren’t doing that, well, I agree with you, don’t stack. But for the majority of us who have normal spatial reasoning skills, be happy that I am doing your job for

I like room on my table when I finish a dish. Makes easier for me to fill out the credit card receipt in order to give the wait staff an appropriate tip.

Not a Trump problem. Hawaii state employee problem.

The feds had nothing to do with false report. It was sent by the Hawaii Emergency Management Department

The atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the only two instances in history, killed about 150000 people. Influenza, on average, kills 3 times that number every year.

Lost me at “connected to PayPal”. Wouldn’t trust them with my credit card info in a million years.

Speaking of asshats........

Concur. That 99 year non-disclosure agreement I signed is ironclad. They trusted me as an 18 year old, snot-nosed kid and I will continue to reward that trust.

I watched....and loved every minute of it. Sad to see it go.

“It’s the greatest game there is. Ask anybody. It’s fun. It’s hard and you stand out there on that green, green grass, and it’s just you and the ball and there ain’t nobody to beat up on but yourself; just like Mister Newnan keeps hittin’ himself with the golf club every time he gets angry. He’s broken his toe three

You may have heard of this one guy who introduced golf to millions of people who do not fit your racist stereotype. Not the greatest person in the world, but for the better part of the past 20 years, the greatest golfer in the world.

As always, I have to remind everyone that the reason the players chose the National Anthem to protest was because it would garner attention and in essence has everything to do with the military. Unless, and I mean this quite resolutely, you have worn the uniform and put your life into the hands of another, please

So, conversely, for some of us and ALL of our children and grandchildren when they get old enough to pay for their own health insurance, it just got a whole lot more expensive.

Um..That’s a liberal tactic.

Since when did Anthony Weiner start flying in FedEx Coach?

I think it’s sweet that you think that anything more than. 000005% of your readers could ever possibly get into a fired t-shirt, yet there it is, the first item on the list.

People, do you stand your TV on end when you watch it?? No??? Then please turn your phone with the long side across when shooting video.

Reading your comment on one right now!

Who here has cooked in your standard European kitchen??? I have and the shit is small. Barely enough room to make a decent meal for your family, but not really adequate enough to prepare a decent dinner party. Great idea, IKEA!

How long did their visa application say they were going to stay? That’s right, they didn’t have one. So, the people that are doing the right thing, submitting the correct paperwork, paying the appropriate fees and waiting their turn, will, screw them for being schmoes, I guess. Meanwhile, these poor people are getting