Mr. Trix

In ep2 Cassidy says he is "a 119 year old vampire from Doublin City" so I think he's already a vampire when he's standing over the crib. Based on what his "mentor" on the phone says, a vampire having normal offspring is not unexpected. I see no reason why he can't just still be in the hospital after coming the

Dude, that still of the martini toothpick pointing at her eye is FANTASTIC. I can't imagine it was accidental.

All the clones are natural brunettes. You know, all of them, cuz they're clones. :)

I take the same interpretation. The only game we actually see is his handheld on the plane. Everything else is just the Black Mirror adaptation of the Richard Linklater film Waking Life.

Well, immortal might be stretching it, but short of severe brain trauma they do seem to keep going in situations that end most mortals.

This. This has frustrated me from the first episode. No one can say how being psychic works, so why doesn't she just say she's channeling her visions from the departed spirit and that sometimes comes with "bonus features". But I guess the writers prefer to have this tension there.

"threatening someone's brother is not a carrot"
Scientist jerk suggested "maybe more carrot than stick" and I'm pretty sure ice queen dismissively mumbled "or not". I understand your confusion, because you might have thought you heard "why not?" and the actress didn't really emote much to give her mumble context.