Brian Fuckler

You can tell a car has obviously-not-original wheels on it by looking at it. Confirming it still has autopilot requires taking it out for a road test and activating autopilot. I’ve had multiple pre-purchase inspections done and I highly doubt any of them went out on the highway and verified the adaptive cruise control

Right, because a typical pre-purchase inspection includes confirming that features listed on the original window sticker haven’t been remotely removed from the car by the manufacturer, and any used car buyer who fails to have one of these mythical pre-existing feature inspections performed deserves what they get.

Hi there bootlicker.

But remember, Tesla sold the car on 11/15. When they did the audit, they were no longer the owners of the car.

I mean Huawei was basically built by Chinese government funded and operated campaign to steal IP from Canadian company Nortel.

I love these lawsuits about patent infringement coming from a country that has a rich and colorful history of companies regularly and blatantly violating them. I’m positive Huawai has a closet full of infringement skeletons.

A quick skim on a couple of the paragraphs in the complaint and I’m reading it as “Verizon buys Juniper networking equipment and Cisco Webex to infringe on our purported patents”. Shouldn’t Huawei be going after Juniper and Cisco then?

Yeah, ‘compact’ crossovers the same size as mid size SUVs from 15 years ago. And mid size is now the equivalent of full size SUVs (with three rows) of yesteryear. The only truly impressive thing is the Excursion still holds the record for length after all these years (although the 2020 Yukon/Suburban XL is within an

We’re not looking at you but the majority. When you’re in traffic and look around, every single SUV has a driver around 5 something and one driver, in a warm weather climate and nothing in the back seat.

Star Wars is better as serialized TV than movies.

Well, giggling and whispering to themselves through multiple comedians— that can be a lot different than laughing/responding to the set, and it can really throw off a performer. It’s like watching a musician play while loudly humming a different song.

‘Shut The Fuck Up!
Dude, that’s President Obama’s daughter.
‘Oh, let me rephrase then...
Malia Obama, daughter of a President,

Something to keep in mind for any and all parties developing a Star Wars movie:

The cable ends might be different but with an adapter you can plug just about any device into just about any USB charger.

n its statement, Apple contends that “regulations that would drive conformity across the type of connector built into all smartphones freeze innovation rather than encourage it

I felt the same way about The Last Jedi, but the consensus was that that made me a bad person. Why is it okay to not like Rise of Skywalker (which I did, actually, enjoy), and not okay to not like Last Jedi?

You find one single XLR owner who isn’t a boomer or older and then the comment can be dumb.

Exactly. Deep down everyone knows not to let a boomer “fix” their electronics.

I think you might have gotten just a wee bit too big of an ouchie from it.

That’s funny, when something breaks every millennial I know just finds a how-to video on you-tube, orders the part on Amazon and fixes it themselves, while their boomer fathers complain about how “you can’t fix anything anymore because everything is too complex”.