
Never expected to see someone comment on an actress playing opposite a man younger than her.

Are you going to insist the parrot is just resting, too?


Back in the 90s, when they were writing Justice League comics, Grant Morrison described writing the characters as “like playing with toys from a box.” They could do what they wanted with them for awhile, but sooner or later “they would have to put them back in the box.” In other words, Morrison always knew he would

Because that was the time they were finally able to do it?

Not a rap song, but I was tormented for years by a song I couldn’t identify. All I had to go on was the final verse:

Wasn’t it an old woman who died before the start of Rosemary’s Baby?

I think you severely underestimate the sheer amount of antisemitism in MAGA. Or the hatred of “Liberal Hollywood” that Harvey represented (for bad and worse).

Somewhat reassuring to realize I wasn’t the only one who thought Dr. Who was crossing over with Hocus Pocus.

Sorry for the stupid double post.

He still has to overturn his LA conviction to get free.

I’m not defending anyone. Peter Thiel is the reason the Gawker network became what it is.

Go Woke OR Go Broke.”

So how well can you trick this “AI?”

I think you mean Ernie Anderson.

I’ve read that “A Boy and his Dog” was the biggest inspiration for the original Fallout game. It inspired the Vaults, the dog (albeit without telepathy) companion, and of course, the twisted comedy.

I hope it turns out better than Dario Argento’s “Mother of Tears.”

But, we’ve had Charles Xavier “with hair” for several movies, now.

I’m not saying it would be worth bringing her back, but I wouldn’t mind seeing Nova and her “wild” Sentinels go up against Apocalypse. By which I mean the old school, conquer the world while turning captured mutants into his “Horsemen,” version of Apocalypse.

Well at least Cassandra Nova is “gone,” (if only in the sense that Michael Myers is “dead”). Although the more I learn about “the Marauders comic” you mentioned, the more I see other issues, besides trying to rehabilitate an Xavier who let the intrusive thoughts win.