
The forced slideshows have been a thing for several years, now.

As a lapsed Catholic, I am quite mystified at the “Carpenter scandal.”

Is being a “rare character introduced as actually achieving their goals,” really an advantage for Nova, though? Seems to me that just puts her in the same class as Bane or Doomsday, in that after said achievement, it’s hard to figure out what to do with her.

The only thing that made Cassandra Nova potentially interesting to me was how, in the comics at least, they didn’t make her “hot” or “pretty.”

At least she’s still bald.

It’s not about whether or not head of Task Force X is a cushy job, it’s about whether the backers of said task force feel they can trust the person they put in charge of it.

Hey, it’s a banging song.

Hey, it’s a banging song.

I know the DC Universe is not the real world, but Waller going rogue is the only thing that makes sense... Except, “Going Rogue” means she is literally defying the government that gave her the power to DO things like head “Task Force X.

Am I the only one who thinks it’s at least a little bit weird how a black woman (Amanda Waller) in the DC Universe became the head of “Black Ops,” in America, no less?

Back when that Aliens co-op shooter (Aliens; Fireteam Elite?) was tearing up Twitch, I kept asking streamers a similar question.

But so are the Xenomorphs, the “Aliens.”

Sorry for sounding thick but why are The Brood exclusively X-men villians,” anyways?

Brian Cox is like Walter from “The Big Lebowski.”

The article isn’t about Kevin Spacey’s character in it. It doesn’t even mention him.

Because most (not all, but most) of “the other jobs” were either dangerous, menial, disgusting, or any combination of the three.

As long as there’s no Alex Jones cameo, I’m in.

Retire from interviews, from television, from movies... Just ship him to a retirement home, already.

Unfortunately I haven’t seen Copland. Just L.A. Noire, and there he was the cop carrying the entire Automobile department (it’s set in 1947, when cars, and vehicular crimes, were so new they had their own detective department).