
Sorry to be that guy but it’s probably for the best.

They could have cast Micheal Mckean in his role, he looks enough like Jeffery Jones that most people should accept it.

I thought it was dangerous to CT Scan anything with metal in it.

I’m not sure how I feel about this. On one hand, I’m no sport hunter, and I don’t see the point of it. As other people have said, taking on animals with high powered rifles is hardly a challenge.

You mean aside from wilful blindness and ignorance?

Not surprising; conservatives always had selective hearing (and vision, and smell) when it comes to their actions.

The Lancia Sibilo looks like a bloody Cybertruck.

I will never understand how a bloody James Bond villain like Steve Mnuchin got away with being a part of Trump’s “administration.”

Now playing

In rebuttal, here’s a reason we should; The Jinping Shuffle.

In phones, or cars, touchscreens are the WORST.

This is horrible.

Is this what it will take for people to finally leave Xitter?

I noticed he liked to use real company logos for his fantastic world. Wonder if that ever became an issue?

I thought he was expelled.

No, this isn’t from the Cooking Channel or Food Network.

How about when people censored “The Protocols of Zion,” or “The Turner Diaries?” Where those people “the baddies?”

If Musk is a Simpsons character, than he is a pre WW1 Montgomery Burns, not a tireless public servant and green beret.

If Musk is a Simpsons character, than he is a pre WW1 Montgomery Burns, not a tireless public servant and green beret.

Skinner is a decorated veteran! He works thanklessly at a public school.

He walked into Twitter offices carrying a sink.