
He walked into Twitter offices carrying a sink.

Once we consider the possibility that Elon Musk is sinking Twitter on purpose, then suddenly everything he does makes sense.*

It’s because she was an almost popstar before she met him and the internet doesn’t want to give up their popstars.

Ted Cruz is just as prohibited from running as Elon Musk is, and they didn’t care.

Yeah, no one ever forced women into marriage, certainly not with dictators. And the concept of said women forced into marriage attempting to break for freedom? Totally ridiculous.

Please read the bloody article. It only says the game is like GTA in how the open world setting can affect quests or freeplay.

I’m find with the lack of rust, but I’d expect a dent or two, even if only small ones.

That old photo reminds me; has anyone heard anything about Jared Kushner?

“Stupidity is a more dangerous enemy of the good than evil. Evil carries with itself the seeds of its own destruction.” To prevent willful malice, you can always erect barriers to stop its spread. Against stupidity we have no defense. Neither protests nor force can touch it. Reasoning is of no use. Facts that

Maybe major corporations are not the business geniuses they claim to be.

Which AAA devs could solve by making smaller, tighter games and charging less money for them.

Almost the same as the response from Leonard Cohen’s estate.

Hey, if it’s working for The Chosen...

If the footage was filmed in infra red, how can we see the footage?

Does that mean Chancellor Vernham deposed Queen Mia in a bloody coup?

Assuming this is shown in theatres, I advise anyone interested in this movie to watch it there. I chose to rent Talented Mr Ripley rather than seeing it in the theatre, and almost as soon as I put it on, my mom came home and insisted on watching it with me.

Weird question, but is “the small country” ever referred to by name?

This is great and all, but when can we watch Part One on Netflix?

But what about the “Yogurt Armour?”

Thanks a LOT, Musk, for making me want to take the side of Brockman.