
Why are companies like Ubisoft suddenly not letting us own anything?

The past eight years have made it painfully apparent that not only are there a LOT more idiots than previously assumed, but that the depths of their idiocy go far deeper than bedrock ever does.

Except John didn’t play a scientist as much as a “space trucker.

I was wondering of he knew or said anything about the “cult” in the game, among other thing.

Did anyone ask Noah Hawley about Aliens; Dark Descent?

The different aesthetics between the films could be explained as a status thing. The ship (and likely the crew) in Prometheus personally belonged to the owner of Weyland Yutani, so he made sure they got the flashier, sleeker stuff.

Lavishly imitating the original Superman was a mistake for Superman Returns; ignoring III and IV were not.

Yes, I do. Because even with all of those things above, there are still disabled people, and no reason for disabled readers to think there shouldn’t be some form of representation.

I wondered for months why the Boards at Tesla and/or SpaceX don’t do just that.

Look on the bright side, it could have been something worse:

I don`t have a drug problem, I have a drug testing problem.

I don`t have a drug problem, I have a problem not getting caught with drugs.

I don`t have a drug problem, it`s the only way I can deal with the world.

I do have a drug problem, I keep running out of drugs.

Seems to me that Elon isn’t taking enough drugs. Either that or he’s taking the wrong ones.

Headline reminds me of Thomas Ravenel:

¨I don’t have a problem with cocaine, I just like the way it smells...¨

People keep telling me time is an illusion, but no one will tell me how to disbelieve the last twenty bloody years.

Seventeen years ago, Alex Jones played himself for a cameo in ¨A Scanner Darkly.¨ He was a screaming through a megaphone about how the fictional drug ¨D¨ only seemed to get widespread the more powerful the police state in the film grew. He ends up getting tasered, thrown into the back of a van, and never seen again.


It´s not just modern Nazis. The swastika started out as an Asian cross. The word Aryan possibly came from India, of all places.

Appropriating and tainting symbols of other people is part of their strategy (and thinking they don´t have a strategy is a part of why we keep underestimating them and why they keep returning).

I´m sorry, I didn´t realize alligators could climb, until someone mentioned that in a response.

Still seems hard to believe, but not hard enough that I´d want to see it.

I was going to make a joke about how the game characters seemed to let eighty seven infestations happen before finally doing something, but then I read further into the article, and now it isn´t funny anymore.

No one, no matter how much a fan of Custodes they may be, is going to make a show about an army that mostly stands guard in an oversized palace waiting for Cypher or Abaddon to come knocking.

You all know Trump has been likened to 40K’s “God Emperor,” at least once, right? Because he has, at least once.