
So does this take a sinister turn, or an unexpected turn?

A hug from Putin. Or MBS. Or Xi.

A hug from Putin. Or MBS. Or Xi.

If Elon Musk is actively trying to drive advertisers away from his floundering social media site X

I know this is probably the worst place to ask this question, but does anyone else think it’s weird for Ghouls, of all people, to have extended lifespans, like they do in the games?

For all their ferocity and fangs, even the films occasionally acknowledge their dinos are no more actual dinosaurs than a Pomeranian or Poodle is an actual Wolf.

No Archaeopteryx?

Stupid Double Post, I swear I don’t do this on purpose.

What are the chances of the show arguing that if these people were stupid enough to be contestants on a game show based off Squid Game, they’re too stupid to sue?

Did the show expect these people to perform for them or not?

You really think Christopher Eccleston could get a job as a key grip on Doctor Who again?

There was Amy from Dead Island 2, who has a missing right foot.

There was Amy from Dead Island 2, who has a missing right foot.

So why did they get rid of the blue eye on the forehead?

The second I saw that the original founder was replaced by a 31 year old woman I knew she would last days (more of a comment on Silicon Valley politics than Mira Muarti herself).

Seriously? Napoleon won at Waterloo? Were the Prussian cavalry the Napoleonic equivalent of Dominion Voting Systems?

Except Trump needs to be loved too. Remember how badly he reacted to being booed at a stadium?

As a weird nerd myself, I feel attacked by this meme.

What are the chances of anyone at Tesla knowing the recent news at OpenAI?

What are the chances of anyone at Tesla knowing the recent news at OpenAI?