
Didn’t George Soros make his money in the United Kingdom?

Didn’t George Soros make his money in the United Kingdom?

Can’t we just have an article on Chris Brown instead?

Funny how when Executives lose their jobs there’s always another person to replace them even in these AI firms.

Better late than never, I suppose.

I don’t see how that’s much of an improvement.

I don’t know if it’s the first time I ever heard of George Soros, but the first time I heard of him that I remember was a press release he made during the first term of “Dubya.” I wish I could remember the details, I think the general gist was that he was very critical of the 43rd POTUS (what a shock) and was

Even if it werent a typo, this is getting stupid. If Sydney were sixteen, and Colin were thirty five, or even twenty five, this would be a big deal. But she’s not, she twenty six. At twenty six, you’re expected to have at least some agency over your life.

Well at least they should know what to do next;

That ain’t a mullet. This is a mullet;

That ain’t a mullet. This is a mullet;

“Starting at the end” is not “going against the rules,” at least not in fiction. It’s called in medias res, and it is both metaphorically and literally, the oldest trick in the book.

This show sounds like Goon (2011).

Ana de Armas is over 30. If she’s “too young” then so is almost every other woman in Hollywood.

The phenomenon goes on and on, we’re saying it right, but we’re doing it wrong...” Sam Roberts, We’re all in this together.

They say you should never build statues of anyone still living when those figures still have enough time to disappoint you.

Had to look up this Tryco Slatterus, think he looks more interesting when he had the longer, flowing hair and the giant forehead. Like he was an aging rockstar in denial over the fact he was slowly going bald.

I double posted again, huh?

Kang the Conqueror, the High Evolutionary, and now Dar-Ben.

Kang the Conqueror, the High Evolutionary, and now Dar-Ben.