
Um, yeah, it probably didn’t help that “the project” they were “rushing to get to” also happened to be an alternate history show about “what if the Confederacy won?”

Probably because the writers are still mostly men, and are now more likely to become entirely AI instead of anything close to gender parity.

I’ve seen that episode but unfortunately, it misses something very important (two, if you count how strange it is the bartender still has his job); in the real world, it’s always the NON-executive jobs being replaced.

Unless the AI is pre programmed to bombard us with proaganda about how “socialism is evil,” or “those who do not work, shall not eat,” while never offering any solutions about how we’re supposed to find work that isn’t already automated.

Slightly off topic, but something I wished I started asking thirty- forty years ago; HOW do companies that keep wiping out their work forces, whether through automation, or ai, or simply moving all their jobs to countries that love child labour, expect people to be able to PAY for their products and services?

Maybe they would “leave their politics out” if (mostly) men like Elon Musk would return the favour and keep their politics to themselves.

Maybe they would “leave their politics out” if (mostly) men like Elon Musk would return the favour and keep their politics to themselves.

Heaven forbid I manage to write a coherent comment here, even though I somehow manage almost everywhere else.

Heaven forbid I manage to write a coherent comment here, even though I somehow manage almost everywhere else.

Yes, there was a lot of antisemitism back then, but the Fettmilch Uprising, which seems to be the real world event referenced, was different even back in the day. Wikipedia describes it as:

She, or they (we’ll never really know if these ideas were JKR’s or one of the Devs) could have used almost any other year, but they didn’t.

Even IF Hogwarts Legacy managed to “distance” itself from JKR and her “comments,” how could they distance their game from the plot, which was largely about stopping Goblins from getting equal rights in the Wizard World, or the references to a historical pogrom?

Unless this is the timeline before people start travelling back to the crucifixion, and thus by the very act of travelling backwards in time, create another timeline where it was the Judean equivalent of Woodstock.

What I heard on this very website is that the best time to read FitA, or any VC Andrews, is when you’re too young to be reading them.

The one Night Court scene that I remember to this day is Officer Bull walking right into a hostage situation to tell the Judge that “a firearm had gone missing.” He takes one look at the woman holding the Judge and DA at gunpoint, grabs the pistol right out her hand, shouting “there it is!” And walks out.

Still doesn’t change the fact that the GOP gets more “success” sending their worst than they do sending their best.

Was going to make a joke about how this Invincible fellow seems to be the only person acknowledging that COVID is NOT over (because he’s shown wearing a breather) but then I looked up Angstrom Levy.

Let’s be honest; who wouldn’t want to forget having a part in The Phantom Menace?

A really dumb motherfucker was sitting in the clinic I worked at the day after the election, and I heard him say “I’d rather have Trump than Trudeau.”

A really dumb motherfucker was sitting in the clinic I worked at the day after the election, and I heard him say “I’d rather have Trump than Trudeau.”