
Did they actually meet Obi Wan in Attack of the Clones?

Why did Owen and Beru even take Luke in, anyway? Sorry, but with the prequels, Luke’s backstory didn’t just go off the rails, it went over a cliff and crashed on top of an orphanage.

If we’re going to be pedantic about this, Romero’s zombies weren’t zombies either; they were ghouls.

To Whom At The Embracer Group It May Concern;

To Whom At The Embracer Group It May Concern;

Then that just makes them more complicit.

Marketing games where you get to kill largely, if not mostly, colored mobs, to a demographic also being targeted by Fox News and the GOP certainly isn’t helping.

Unpopular take, but I actually CAN think of some violent games making teens or men desensitized to this sort of violence.

I didn’t even know there WAS a sequel to SaS (one of the few PS games I platinumed).

As long as they sold it to someone who’ll let Lara Croft have FUN again, I think it’s for the best.

I think the point Luke is trying to make is that a world where “might equals survivability and power” is what kind of world that fascist want.

Casual cruelty is still cruelty. In fact, I think there was an important book written about the casual cruelty of Nazi Germany itself.

Don’t all the choices at the end of ME3 destroy the Mass Relays, making ftl travel impossible?

Taxi Driver kind of goes off the rails for me at the end. Even if Travis “saved” Jodie Foster’s character, he still tried to kill a Presidential Candidate, (and I’m pretty sure he did kill a SS bodyguard).

That’s my point, just as how for most of my childhood, I swore they were called Berenstein Bears, I hadn’t realized until tonight that Dave Sim’s weird little... Whatever he seems to be... Wasn’t named after the Roman mythical guard dog.

This is probably me talking out of my ass, but I think Frank Miller is the worst person to ever happen to Western comics.

I hope for the show’s sake this isn’t another American Gods situation.

He didn’t make his fortune off Tesla.

Don’t know what I’m going to do now, but I did update my profile avatar and banner to show this picture.

Jokes on you, Zack. The boxspring for my bed is right on the floor (because my fat ass keeps breaking bedframes) so there’s no room for this guy to hide.