
Forget my response. Gawker, Kinja, whatever, it sucks.

Hot take, the only thing from this movie I would change was the WereWolf Women of the SS trailer.

They should just remake the first one. The second game’s story really bummed me out with the way that (SPOILERS), they killed off nearly every character from the first game. The only characters who survive are Max and his boss.

They should just remake the first one. The second game’s story really bummed me out with the way that (SPOILERS), they killed off nearly every character from the first game. The only characters who survive are Max and his boss.

Not to mention a source for both slasher films and the Moral Majoritydying out.” Friday the 13 movies were being made well into the 90s. And not four years after Pat Buchannan’s race w- I mean, Culture War speech, Fox News metasizized onto cable.

If only.

We tend to forget the bad stuff about people we like after they’re dead.

I thought the Swedish House Mafia were done, defunct.

Gratitude don’t pay the bills. If they stiffed him, they should pay up.

Slight edit. I double checked wikipedia (which I porbably should have done before commenting above) and it says he was a guest host for Savage Nation (and some other right wing shows), not a substitute hoste. Sorry.

Not Barclay. Anyone but Barclay.

Bruce Campbell’s book “If chins could kill,” had some anectodes about his experiences with “method actors.” They aren’t flattering, though I’m not sure if his examples are worse than Jared Leto’s.

Or use the Spider Slayers against Venom. 

I’d say Alistair and Spencer Smythe, the Spider Slayers. But unless Sony can still use Spider-Man, I don’t see it working.

Now do Tubi.

So the season with a black man/white woman had sex scenes but the one with a black woman/white man did not.

My understanding was that it was public knowledge the Batsignal was on top of a police station. I don’t know which specific station, or if there was more than one with a batsignal, but I don’t think “tracing the origin” was ever an issue.

If you’re on the side against the rebellion, you are almost certainly on the wrong side.

Slightly off topic, but Eyes Wide Shut made a whole lot more sense after the second Bush Administration.

Sorry if this is a stupid question, but don’t houseboat owners pay property tax?