
If you say so. 


How about we don’t tell women what to do with their bodies, OK?

Is Angelyne the woman who sung “I’m a blonde” (Yeah yeah, yeah) in Earth Girls are Easy?

Is Angelyne the woman who sung “I’m a blonde” (Yeah yeah, yeah) in Earth Girls are Easy?

I meant how movies would portray a man wearing what’s basically a shredded cape.

Had the franchise not been in such jeopardy, and The New Mutants delayed for so long, you could have seen Mad Men and Baby Driver star Jon Hamm wearing what is arguably the most preposterous cape in the entirety of the Marvel comics multiverse.

Didn’t Feyd already appear in the first Dune movie?

I’m sorry if this is ignorant (and off topic) but what is the appeal of nose piercings? With tattoos you could argure you have a piece of art on your skin, but with nose rings, you just have something that someone could hurt you with.

Earlier today I saw a tweet reminding people that not every black or colored person lives in an urban area and the term “urban” should not be synonomous with people of color.

The ending to ME3 was FINE. Not necessarily great, but it was fine. It was the REST of the story of ME3 that was the problem. In fact, the more people kvetch about the ending the more convinced I become that they’re distracting everyone from the real problem, which is the rest of the story.

It might not help to tell them this, but Putin has been funding far right (Nazi) politicians and organizations across the world. He helped Berlusconi take power in Italy, as an early example..

Suspiria and Inferno, which I also loved were part of a trilogy that Dario completed... In 2007, almost twenty seven years after Inferno.

A big reason for the “golden age of piracy” was that a lot of ship crews were basically enslaved. Almost no one ever wanted to be a sailor or marine so navies had to form press gangs to “recruit” people “by any means necessary.” A lot of men were practically kidnapped and forced to sail.

I will repeat myself; Hitler didn’t do all this shit in one fucking year. His rise to power took decades, and started with the Beer Hall Putsch, his own version of a January 6 event.

So it’s not enought for Trump to have women forcibly sterilized by ICE, or children taken from their parents by ICE and put in cages, or to give the thumbs to Xi Jenping building the Uyghur concentration camps, or letting COVID spread because he thought “it would only affect blue states.”

How about YOU STOP alleging that a man, who clearly has the nose and eyes of his father, is the child of a dead dictator? 

Let’s see, Trump:

So, where does the lady get the VHS tapes?