
This is bullshit. The Karen Konvoy in Ottowa literally let people among them carry Nazit flags and swastikas. Conservative MPs (Members of Parliament for you Yankees) were endorsing and even having their photos taken with convoy members (even if only one was dumb enough to have his picture taken with a flag with a

I’m really, REALLY starting to hate Elon Musk.

Silent Hill trivia; the original cut didn’t have any of the scenes with Sean Bean in it. He was added after a producer complained the cast was almost entirely women.

The thought of Batman actually being a detective is the best thing I’ve ever heard about this movie.

today the Mounties raided the blockaders and uncovered a cache of weapons and ammunition.

Canadian here. I was expecting more Russians to be involved.

Of COURSE, this would be OwlKitty.

Haven’t seen it yet, but I thought that was the general consensus from everyone that did.

Anna Sorokin’s accent, or rather Julia Garner’s imitation of it, brought up a comparison to Tommy Wiseau in AVClub.

Sorry; I misinterpeted the comment as saying Tracy did something unstable off camera.

Sorry for my ignorance, but what did Tracy Jordan do?

Are katanas a thing among Shaolin monks or warriors? I would have thought a Chinese sword would be more appropriate.

The more you learn about Kirby and his world, the more messed up it looks.

The Megalodon is a lot less scary when you learn it needed to hunt whales to feed itself.

If you’re going to honor the tale Carlo Pisacane with a statue, wouldn’t it make more sense to make a statue of, I don’t know, Carlo Pisacane?

Your Congress needs to act on a lot a things. But if removing your Postmaster General isn’t at the top of the list, he should at least be close.

It gets better, a Canadian podcast company is offering Joe Rogan another 100 million to take his show there.

Slightly off topic but Joe seems to be doing some spring cleaning. Shame it’s a little late (not that much of a shame).

So apparently most of the purged podcasts feature Joe Rogan saying “the n-word.” As in saying that word a LOT. He’s quite the charmer. /s

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