
I’m more surprised they were branching out to begin with than that they’ve stopped... But it’s STILL disappointing.

I really hope not. From what little I know of the show, being “woke” was the whole point.

So, no more screen time for the Hawaiian cast from season 1?

I love Debi Mazar.

These economic Baghdad Bobs are pissing on our legs and telling us it’s raining.

How would I fixe Antitrust?

If I just call her Twigs, will I get in trouble?

Ask someone at Gawker/Jezebel. I’m just here to be snarky.

Assuming someone who’s lied for as long as he has would even recognize the truth when he heard it.


Which, coincidentially, was distributed by a front company created for distributing Deep Throat.

There is a difference between “taking liberties” and literally making one of the big stars of your film wear something that resembles a scatalogical meme. 

Forced Birth March?

He’s been lying since Vietnam War; why would he stop, now?

Well, heaven forbid a character created from a Western Comic book look “ridiculous.” Next thing you know, the movies will have a green giant in purple pants, or a man flying around the world with visible red briefs.

I fail to see how that looks any more rediculous that the Goatse contraption Tom Hardy wore.

It’s January. You go find grass, and good luck.

It was Showcase. I know, because I was obsessed with watching it (my parents watched the original run when I was really young and the weird music that played when Ciccone started, well seeing things, haunted me since).

Did you like the Goatse mask?