
Already not long enough.

When the scandal broke out, a young and naieve me kept wondering what the big deal was.

There would already be an explanation, she (whomever would be wearing the dress) would have her origin in Minoan Crete.

If these Eternals couldn’t update their appearances, none of them should look like they do. They should all look like Assyrians or Sumerians, or Minoans, or whoever was big seven thousand years ago.

To be fair, the original Home Alone made a good argument for taxing the rich, too.

Didn’t Salma Hayek come forward with a story how Harvey Weinstein was a monster to her during the filming of Frida? I swore it was a big story here on Jezebel.

The big thing about Dune (and sadly the thing most copied) is that the society Atreides (and Harkonnen and Padisha, etc) live in is basically medieval feudalism. The characters are Lords, in charge of kingdoms called Houses, and alliances are usually cemented through marriages.

The big thing about Dune (and sadly the thing most copied) is that the society Atreides (and Harkonnen and Padisha, etc) live in is basically medieval feudalism. The characters are Lords, in charge of kingdoms called Houses, and alliances are usually cemented through marriages.

That’s probably because he’s working in Hollywood.

I sorry for possibly being a freak but I never liked the Scream movie, in fact, I must have walked out before the ending because I heard Sydney (yes I still know the character’s name, she’s not exactly an obscure like Laurie Strode) shoots her murderous boyfriend in the head and I don’t remember seeing it.

I sorry for possibly being a freak but I never liked the Scream movie, in fact, I must have walked out before the ending because I heard Sydney (yes I still know the character’s name, she’s not exactly obscure like Alice Hardy) shoots her murderous boyfriend in the head and I don’t remember seeing it.

I hope Dennis is doing well in his new home. Sorry for your heartbreak.

I hope Dennis is doing well in his new home. Sorry for your heartbreak.

Now playing

Sorry if I’m slightly off topic, but was this the person who’s arrest was announced in a press conference crashed by a fake sign language interpreter?

Like Id and Valve, Ubisoft loves making games where you mow down lots and lots of mooks.

Hell to the NO.

But Parker Posey, with fangs... in her vagina...

Because when Parasite won, Twitter was nothing but fascists bitching about commie Oscars.

Maybe go for the International Emmeys to be safe.

I thought the leaser of the Reapers WAS a mentally unstable preacher.