
I don’t. I’m dismissing you because I’m done talking.

If you can’t see how it’s a bad time to pitch a show like Confederate when a man who campaigned on banning Muslims from entering the country and walling off the border to Mexico and making Mexico pay for it, that’s on you, not me.

Yeah, about that...

1: Let’s start with the timing: Confederate was pitched in 2017, the same year Trump was inaugurated. Remember all the Confederate flags with Trump/Pence on them?

Ok... But what did he think about Hades?

Sounds about reich.

More than three hundred and thirty thousand Americans dead. That’s 9/11 more than a hundred and ten times over. Shit.

Well, Coco Chanel was a big deal in the fashion world, and she fucked Nazis too.

Just 26 days and eleven hours now.

Yes, he actually does.

The art deco thing may not be Trump so much as his “deplorables.”

More or less what I was trying to say, yes.

Because it’s probably the last time he will get the pleasure of causing someone’s death and have it be perfectly legal?

About thirty days and twenty three hours left, now...

We never fucking learn, do we?

I know the total should have been a lot higher, but I find a sort of poetic justice that Biden won the same number of electoral votes in 2020 that Donny the Tramp had in 2016 (before two electors changed their minds) “landslide.”

The best

Some of these “alternative electors” were caught on camera trying to get into the state capitol.

Now playing

Sound of Music is playing up here in Canada. Never watched it and won’t now, but I did watch this little gem from Twitter:

I learned that watching American Beauty, of all things. The boy with the camera shows his dad’s collection of Nazi porcelain to his girlfriend.