
The sad part, and by sad I mean blood boiling, is that “who gives a fuck about Christmas?” is very likely more damning to Melania than “who gives a fuck about Mexican refugees?”

I didn’t mean to say she never acted before Dark Angel, just that I was certain (not necessarily right) the show was where she got her big break.

Was Dark Angel really in 2000? I could have sworn it was before that. Oh well.

I tried using syrup as an alternative to sugar for my waffles. By which I mean I poured syrup into the batter mix.

Maybe this shows my ignorance, but I thought Jessica Alba didn’t become famous until Dark Angel. I thought 90210 ended before that show started.

Question, what are the chances Attila even knew of the existence of China?

It’s just that he flies so low and the hover chair always has this torrent of flame coming out the bottom.

I had an idea for using Modok as a villain; first introduce him as just a face in a tv screen. A big screen, and his face takes up all of it. For most of the movie, or show or whatever, he’s just a giant face in a screen until the climax where he’s revealed to be, well, Modok the giant head.

The thing about Blade Runner is it inspired a lot of cyberpunk fiction rather than actually having anything to do with it. The use of computers (in the first one) is almost non existent, but the setting was still a big influence. I had a book on the artwork used in the Shadowrun rpg and they basically said they got


The biggest indicator of how much QAnon has anything to do with fighting abuse and trafficking is their “savior,” Donald J. Trump.

Don’t supposes the Democratic Party had someone to primary Tulsi? Shame.

Too stupid to be real has been pretty much the defining description of the 21st century.

Sounds about reich.

People are assuming her to be a racist because Stormfront in the comic was an original Nazi from the time of the Third Reich.

Stay away from the comics, then. And not just because it was written by Garth Ennis. According to the comments here, the show toned a lot of the stuff down.

Sounds about reich.