
Not surprising, really. It makes his job of racist propaganda harder.

Has anyone criticized them for planning to reunite at Coachella?

In Canada we have a show that at least started out as ‘COPS but from the point of view of the criminals.’ It was called Trailer Park Boys and I’ve personally only watched the Christmas special but apparently it was a ‘cult classic.’

Not joking, I literally thought this show came off the air years ago. Like shortly after the X-Files episode that was shot like COPS was.

Not them too...

I’d prefer to forget it, in fact. I love boobies as much as anybody but I don’t like watching rape (that’s why I never got into GoT).

Starship Troopers came out after Basic Instinct.

Who would want to look at one of those things stoned? Sounds like a good way to get nightmares if you ask me.

No “Jimmy Bean Drive?”

Old man yelling at clouds here, but in my opinion most tattoos are... Poor. They’re less paint on a canvas and more graffiti on a temple’s walls.

I guess no one ever told Ari about that whole brevity thing.

When did the Times become the Post?

Of course he thinks we’re stupid.

Wall-e, the one film that could make musical numbers tolerable.

Don’t drag Disco Inferno into this.

I remember hearing he allegedly kept by his bed a book of quotes by Hitler.

I just hope everybody’s still mad when November comes. That’s the time it’s important to be mad.

Hot take, but maybe don’t reboot Bond. Make up some new franchise and let him fade away.

What about the Division? Is Ubisoft still making content for them?