
I did, sort of.

"I know, right? WTF?"

Read the first book, half of the second. The only "sex" I remember in either was a LOT of rape... and a little incest.

It wasn't Leonardo, or a woman, it was Leonardo's lover (who's name escapes me). It's already established said lover posed for John the Baptist. And the similarity between the faces in the two paintings speaks for itself.

Did the "girl in the image" turn out to be a guy? Because that's what the real model for the Mona Lisa was.

No matter how much I try to dredge up contempt for these pathetic menchildren, I only find pity for them instead.

Yeah, but who saw Dollhouse?

Because a world without either Emperor Tamarins or Golden Lion Tamarins is a world not worth living in.

Biotic fields should require constant concentration, and mass effect fields can be shorted out.

I just want my crew members wearing hermetically sealed, total body covering space suits again, PLEASE. In ME1, all the females in my party wore vacuum sealed suits (paper thin suits, mind but suits nonetheless).

Savage Dragon really was a boat load of crazy shit, I loved it.

Slightly off topic, but not completely (it's related to Gossip Girls, which has this web-series' producers), I just wanted to show everyone something I saw at my local Chapters. This really is a book.

Hey, wait a minute! We were promised there wouldn't be an Atlas Shrugged, part two!

Maybe they were trying to make the female apes look attractive, instead of just looking like apes?

Would Bella make Edward and Jacob have sex while she watches? Or is that a line Ms. Hamilton has yet to cross?

I'm surprised no one's tried Laurell K. Hamilton yet.

Hopefully not; we're painfully close to character overload as is.

Perhaps people are more willing to pay for Breaking Bad.

Mona Lisa was a man, and I don't Leonardo. This is his painting of John the Baptist. Look familiar?

No one's saying what China's doing is excusable. What we're saying is, remove the beam from your own eye before pointing out the splinter in your neighbor's.