
Perhaps we should look to our own hunger for energy and the consequences thereof before telling China and/or India what to do.

Any advice?

So the next Cold War will literally be a war against Cold?

I have a Steam account, but I haven't bought anything on it in awhile (like, almost a year). Am I at risk?

The original Star Wars were gritty because Hollywood was gritty. And Hollywood was gritty because it was disreputable and broke. Now Hollywood (especially Lucasarts) has so much money it's among the proverbial 1%. And grittiness and money do not go well together.

This is the part that actually bothers me. You're future self is still yourself, so unless the paradox creates a future timeline for you, you're committing suicide.

I don't know if they are making one now, but they did make one in 1986.

Shades of Rule 34, anyone (the book, not the meme)?

Of all the concepts of time travel, I find branching timelines the most lgical and most disturbing.

That would be from the Brood, written when Mr. Cronenberg was going through a divorce, possibly a child custody battle as well.

I'm going to have to disagree on that, with rather strong prejudice. I've seen Fearless Vampire Killers one and a half times (One time I only made it through half the movie) and it's rather dull.

Two movies is a long time to get things right, more than a franchise deserves. Star Wars would never have taken off if they bollocksed A New Hope (I hope).

I was hoping someone would have his name. It's okay I think I found it out.

Who is this guy in the photo?

Your definition of misuse is the same as mine. The fact that they haven't done so is a pleasant surprise.

"Potential for misuse"? I'm pretty sure "misuse" of her sexuality was the whole point for her creation.

I thought the Prime Directive only applied until the "alien" contacted us.

Now playing

Time travel hasn't been proven impossible yet (in the sense you can't prove a negative).

A possibly stupid question,

I would have thought Supergirl's "everyday problems" were mostly about when and where she could fly.