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Don't you be talking smack about the awesomeness that is Aquaman, you microscopic misanthropes.

But then Sonny would have beaten Obama in 2008, then somehow "ski into a different tree, while somehow sleeping," before taking the oath, and then you'd have Sara Palin for President.

Personally I always imagined he tattoo was made with a special ink than only shows in infrared light. That's how I reasoned no one saw it yet were omniscient in almost every other way.

What about Mark Millar?

I guess I'm even more out of touch than I thought. I expected Ms Portman to drive the teens into the theaters.

But gay or not, who wants to see a guy calling himself Barbarella?

If by some chance there ever is a Barbarella remake, how far do you think they'll go? Will they reference oral sex? Anal? Will there actually be any nudity? Or do you fear (like me) the remake will be more prudish than the original?

Maybe Loki thinks the Infinity Gauntlet would make things too easy.

At first I thought the second picture was Thor chilling in Rapture. Does a Thor/Bioshock crossoer strike anyone's fancy?

All I want (sort of)...

That's artwork, actually. BUT, you could switch between third and first person. Again, though, that's a painting.

Says you. To me, she's the only genie worth the trouble.

Maybe it's because I've just seen Thor, but she looks like Kat Dennings.

VERY underrated, CRIMINALLY forgotten, Freelancer. I loved that game. So did my dad, he kept kicking me off playing it so he could play himself.