
Marvel's Sif was born with gold hair. Loki stole it and replaced it with the black. Don't ask me why, that's their version and their sticking to it.


Does anyone not like Gaiman? As for Moore, I've never forgiven him for two things; crippling Batgirl, and the Watchmen.

Imagine, he could have been a killer stand up comic.

The only thing anyone in Washington decided belonged to the poor was taxes.

She didn't carry out the biggest hoax, she is the biggest hoax.

But then we wouldn't be able to see anything, would we?

Probably the saddest speculation, imagine how far both space programs would have gone if they got all the effort and money put into the nuclear arms race, or even half of that.

Gawker told you. It was called the Tea Party.

I always felt like they were trying to suck out my eyeballs...

The helmet at top left, looks painful.

Bane as another henchman... nice to see Hollywood finally paying attention to the source material...

Wasn't his mask "upgraded" at this point? Maybe he fell though the atmosphere feet first.

Now playing

I thought this explained everything you needed to know about the story and setting of Space Marine.

Jonathan, Jonathan, your priorities are messed up.

Watch the 6th Sense, right to the point Bruce Willis goes back to his home after the school play, then stop. You will see why he get's work.

No. 2 is why I preferred the original version of Blade Runner and avoided the later ones for a long time.