Violent Fellowknees

Maybe Restoring Hope just came to the conclusion that life is meaningless and winning wouldn’t bring him any joy; but coming in last would greatly dishonor the weird little person who rides and kicks him, like he’s somehow the dominant species. Horse enthusiasts are the worst

I don’t understand this. Why don’t you just pay attention to what you like?

I have no idea if this story is true or not, but I completely believe every bit of it because it’s true to me.

My best friend and I dressed up as Burt and Ernie for halloween about 8 years ago. Went out and got pretty hammered at the bars, and then I see down the street, Cookie Monster, just standing there. Well I thought it was a good idea to jump on his back, we both fell to the ground, and that’s when I feel a shot to the

You have no idea the levels of fuckery it takes to make me side with the Fucking Eagles, but by god, Donny Boy has done it.

Ya know, even though no one is actually trying to take these idiots’ guns away - they sure seem to continuously demonstrate good reasons why we should take their guns away.

He is the knight who says 9-11.

Yeah, this happened to me. After my wife hit her max deductible, we thought we were in the clear for subsequent bills. Ha ha no. The lil’ guy has his own deductible.

Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday. That is 4 days.

I will also be watching on Telemundo, cause pinche gabachos no saben nada sobre el futbol

I hope Adam is a cash tip on the table kind of guy because 4 cents is ridiculous.

If Mueller is fired, we are burning this motherfucker to the ground.

I don’t know. Occam’s razor says the whole thing’s more likely part of a liberal conspiracy to prevent Fox from revealing evidence of Hillary’s murder of Seth Rich because he was about to blow the whistle on the Pizzagate pedophiles’ involvement in Benghazi.

Libertarian faux intellectualism relies heavily on the assumption no one checks on claims and sources.

Exactly. I am so GD sick of these mindless hot takes. Social progress is intrinsically gradual, especially in the world’s third-largest and most diverse nation. We have made progress in virtually every front over the last half-century. Acknowledging this does not mean we are becoming complacent with the current status

The point.

This piece also seems like the kind of thing that inspires apathy in voters, casting our world as a dire situation that’s always been broken and cannot be fixed. Although all of the issues you mention are real, we still do have the rule of law (although we could use more, not less of it) and a representative

Haha, as they say “Obama’s charm and eloquence really made the imperialism and extrajudicial killings really go down smooth.”

Not our bad if you haven’t been following the news for the last 18 months

This is true: Establishment Democrats will never save you.