Violent Fellowknees

I believe it was PT Barnum that said “There’s a Trump supporter born every minute.”

There’s a bunch of stupid white people, I’m just telling you, that are stupid, and are telling people that God is into this.

What salesman worth their name does not try and upsell?

Except you did not make this post about the dead girl, you made it about the plight of black people. You tap danced around the fact that the woman who died was white, along with the 2 white police officers, not to mention the countless white counter-protesters who were injured. Are you trying to suggest they

The people waving Nazi flags and throwing Nazi salutes think the Holocaust was awesome and want to repeat everything their idols inflicted on the world.

Fuck every last one of them....

The alt-right protestors were protesting the removal of a statue of a segregationist and, many would say, traitor. Does that automatically make all of them racists? Maybe not all of them, but it’s a rather questionable cause they’re supporting.

Yeah this is crazy. It almost looks like McGregor hasn’t ever boxed before.

Good thing we dodged that Shillary. She would have pulled the same shit but probably even worse.

Patrick has been fired for not referencing the extensive real-world history of ballistas being used to kill flame-breathing magical lizards the size of 747s.

Oh, Ugh. Ugh, ugh, ugh. Not just a gender traitor to women, like Kellyanne Conway, but a transgender traitor. Only our current political moment could have barfed up such a perverse and unappealing idea.


Is there a single picture of McConell where he doesn’t look like a geriatric sea-turtle struggling to hold in a fart?

Judge may never evolve into the magnetic personality that the league is still desperately searching

If the person who can fire you begins a statement with “I hope you can” 99.9% of the population knows that really means “Do this or you’re fired” and we know this is what Trump meant BECAUSE THEN HE FIRED HIM FOR NOT DOING IT.

“Why doth the peasantry fret so o’er this ‘Black Death’? ” ~Lord Pence, c. 1350 

“For some reason, this issue of atomic bombs has become a paramount issue for the Japanese.” - Mike Pence, circa 1945