@nirvan5a: Media Monkey is an excellent one, and much better at handling large media libraries than iTunes is.
@nirvan5a: Media Monkey is an excellent one, and much better at handling large media libraries than iTunes is.
@MattChance: Hahaha
It's rather easy to fix this, it's called uninstalling the crapware that is iTunes and install a real media manager.
Want to know how I know he's not getting laid?
@Steve Boone: I second that.
I hope this guy gets life in prison.
Saddens me to see Ohio is in the red. Kind of ironic since we seem to have an over abundance of highway patrol.
@Brett Benedict: I have a best friend who runs a DJ business, and he lets me rip all his CD's (though he's mostly converted over to 320kb MP3's now). So my collection grew like wildfire a few years ago.
@JazzBri: I have about 90,000 (a little over a TB) tracks and Itunes chokes and dies a horrible slow death.
@tonyola: That is one sexy little car.
Nice, but until Itunes learns to handle large music libraries, scans folders automatically, no thanks.
Give me and Iphone on Verizon and I will be yours forever, till then I will have to keep hugging my Droid.
Fucking white trash. Shouldn't be allowed to breed.
@jalopnikfan: I agree. I have a supercharged Riviera with a few mods, and even then I can still fill the tank with 87 octane and drive just fine, it will severely lack power and will get worse mileage, but it won't blow up, due exactly to the PCM falling back to base timing and fuel maps. Something tells me they had…
I skimmed over the article, but if simply running low octane fuel did this, it's completely inexcusable. The PCM should be able to fall back to a much more conservative fuel/timing map and be just fine.
Crack Pipe...
@flightsuit: If you do not have insurance, and do not buy insurance, you will be fined and can be imprisoned. THAT IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL, and it will not stand. The government can NOT tell me to buy a private product, sorry, I'll tell them to fuck themselves and lawyer up. Though my state has already said it will not…
@Thomas Paladino: I hadn't heard that. Cool.
@Jesda: Exactly.
@flightsuit: Yeah, eff those schools. Wait, the way our shitty schools are going we won't have anyone 0intelligent enough to fly them in another 20 years.