
@IDesigner loves himself some car: I'd take a CTS-V over a M5 any day, not too mention the CTS-V wins hands down in almost category against a M5, aside from most expensive interiors.....

@TamarDaditude: If you can't do those things, you should turn over your man card.

@Mozoltov, motherfucker: You laugh, but it happened to a guy at a Best Buy once. They police arrested him when the ignorant cashier claimed a $2 bill didn't exist. Once they got it sorted out, he sued and won a fairly large sum against Best Buy and the police for being idiots.

@ChunkyPeanutButter: Afraid it will cause you to get all excited and have to lie about the reason why?

@nick2ny: You can bend 1/2" rebar by hand without much exertion. That rebar looks like 3/8" rebar, which isn't hard to bend at all.

@Sportwagons, haulin' stuff and haulin' balls: I was talking about the van... Most likely the side of the bridge just fell over, more or less ramping the van across into the other side. If that bridge is anything like some of the ones around here, one solid hit would easily break through.

@Sportwagons, haulin' stuff and haulin' balls: Call B.S all you want. I've seen with my own two eyes what a car can do at high speed *shrug*. For the record my friend used a 79' Z28 to do his damage, so a heavier van would obviously have no issue. Not too mention if that bridge was lacking in maintenance, then it's

@nick2ny: I totally believe it. My best friend fresh out of high school, hit a concrete bridge and knocked a 5,000lb chunk of it over 30 feet across a creek and into a corn field, and the car kept going for another 30 - 40 feet. Totally plausible.

@Gino Camaro: I concur. My best friend is in Adelaide, and she has a Aussie/Brit accent and it's amazing.

Nice cars, but I'd drive a Yugo before I would give Chrysler or GM another dime of my money, they got enough during the bailouts, of which we'll not be getting back.

*pretends to be shocked*

@Uncle Bo: Give me a break. Nascar is nothing but glorified bumper cars. F1 drivers and Australian super car drivers own any nascar driver. Just because they can't drive the crap bricks that are nascar cars as well as the glorified school bus drivers of nascar, doesn't make them inferior.

Ugh, I am sick of all these talented drivers going to redneck nascar simply to make a quick buck.

@DaddyRocket: Neither do I, a car that you void the warranty by turning off traction control doesn't impress me. Oh and the fact it is dog slow for a so called supercar.

@acarr260: The car is amazing. There are photos of it all over the net. True sleeper aside from the mean ass growl of the LS!

@Muscles Marinara: This I know, but the Viper had it first. Hence it not being a truck engine.

@dragon951: Actually it was in the Viper first.

Sorry, but the Corvette drivetrain/suspension swapping into a Civic takes the cake of all swaps and sleepers.