We've saved worse.
We've saved worse.
Finally, Ford will have a decent diesel. About damn time.
God Bless underboob.
@TR3-A: Why not, it works for Nascar.
Where do you put the food for the 2 hamsters?
@Dan820: I've had my headers glowing orange several time during demo derby's when you are standing on the throttle for 20 minutes straight with little air moving over them.
@tankman: I've seen flywheels shatter and exit via the trans tunnel and out the top of the dash. More than one racer has lost a foot or leg to a clutch/flywheel explosion.
@FromaBuick6 Misses the Banned: Never was a big fan of the 390, after all it was more used as a truck engine.
@Dhillaz 2.0: All exhaust glows orange on engine stands during pulls. lol
The 427 side oilier is a monumental engine and was nothing to fuck with at all. More than once it educated an European whatever to the true meaning of power.
@laxmax613: Funny, it still lost in the twisties too.
@BrAff: Not much of a Godzilla if it can't even spank a low tech pushrod smallblock V8. Not too mention, anything that you void the warranty by driving isn't that fucking super.
@laxmax613: Actually it's a Corvette, and it flat out destroys this wanna be super car, but then it again it owns pretty much everything not costing three or four times as much. Just look at the way it embarrassed it at the ring.
After seeing the GT-R get ass raped on video in the 4 way drag race, I have to ask, why is this car so over hyped?
Ugh. I just spent the last 8 hours pouring the molten aluminum that becomes those wheels!
They were used in marine applications a lot, and Offy made hop up parts for them and they were common in some dirt track classes. Those and the ford 2.3 liter engines.
Shame it wasn't a fatality.
Somehow 435hp doesn't seem too impressive in the world of special editions these days.
Texas, shocker.
In other shocking news to go with this newsflash, anyone else hear Michael Jackson died?