Brian Emophiliac

from the kotaku facebook post: “Dark Souls isn’t known for being beautiful, but this definitely is.” um, what?!

it’s really too bad they got rid of the desmond parts, i thought they were headed the direction North suggests they were on and it would’ve been way more interesting than what they gave us at the end of 3 which effectively ruined the series for me.

those could be gwynn’s ashes too.

i tend to make twohanded greatsword builds but i love replaying with different styles, that is half the reason the souls series has so much longevity.

for me it boils down to i’m not rich. i’ve had emulators on my pc’s in the past and i’ll probably put them on my new one too. i tend to like hard copies of games though, if i could i’d have a ridiculous collection. emulation for me is mostly japanese imports and old systems i’d like to play but never owned. i’d feel

anecdotally i was looking at the steam sale yesterday and saw that the Witcher games were marked down to 5 bucks for Witcher 1 and something else for Witcher2 i got both right before Witcher3 came out for five bucks for both. so i felt like the sale wasn’t quite a bargain. i recognize shit changes though, perhaps i

i’d like to see AI versus AI of gwynn versus artorias.

give us choices that matter. think asscreed with dragon age or mass effect dialog options. i don’t care to be involved with the shitty templars but maybe other players do.

i used to watch it while i was at work...

i quit that game at the final boss because it had a game breaking bug my rage was at the fact it was the end of the game i beat the boss but the final cutscene wouldn’t load. i had the same thing happen in the masseffect series but i got them to work after several times but never for DA:O

i’m pretty patient with games. the one that i quit that comes to mind because of rage was the end of dragon age origins on ps3, but only because of a game breaking bug. the frame rate went down to nothing and the last cutscene wouldn’t load when i killed the boss. it has stifled me from playing the other dragon age

i was wondering the same thing.

I lol’d at the excel sequel project thundergrid

damn that ps4 bundle is right in the sweet spot if only i had 400 bucks lying around. bloodborne will be the system seller for me.

damn that ps4 bundle is right in the sweet spot if only i had 400 bucks lying around. bloodborne will be the system

i would point you to the website a year or so ago i didn't know a what all the lingo was but now i feel a lot more competent. the site gives you a list you get to populate with parts you might want. once you have a list you can paste the build url in the forums and they'll help you figure out what

In the 90's I was all about "The Eye of the Beholder" series I played them all to completion. after that came this game in the forgotten realms setting called "Menzoberanzan" (featuring one of my favorite characters the dark elf Drizzt Do'urden). How could i pass it up being the same first person dungeon crawler

Because that would ruin the balance these games are based on. being multi player/ and single player an easy mode would likely break it for those familiar with the series

i'd be happy with more ninokuni type games. i'd like a studio ghibli take on dark souls just as well.

dang, i'm curious if they are worth getting the bundle.

have you played the dlc yet?