Brian Emophiliac

i'm glad i'm not the only one to think that.

i sense a dirty joke in there somewhere.

i just wish it ended in a grey area ending the way it did with a black and white ending really annoyed me.

they're good, psychopass is sorta cyberpunk borderline dystopian future police procedural. killlakill is fan service with fighting and humor. deathnote is one of my favorite series. it always had me on the edge of my seat. the only thing i didn't like about it was the end i was hoping for agrey area ending instead of

the second i get a new pc and have time to play, the witcher series is at the top of my list. i need it.

i'm right at the end dark souls 2. i'm hoping to finish before the 26th when school starts back up for me, cause if i don't i most likely won't finish till the semester is over.

it doesn't entirely stop invasions burning effigies it only put you at the bottom of the list on the server if that list is short you might still get invaded shortly.

yeah i didn't know it worked that way either till i watched epicnamebro's walkthrough.

there are thing you can do to lessen the chances like burning human effigies mind you it doesn't stop it completely it just put your name at the bottom of the que. your best bet though is playing offline till you get to the bosses. human effigies aren't exactly commonplace or easy to farm so i only use them on the

yeah i've watched a few alpha test footage vids from vaatividya and pvpeeverson looks incredible. i need to not be broke so i can get ps4.

not quite the same but, i had a manager at a bikeshop i used to work that would put on the nice guy face as long as he could all day long. but he had such a bad temper that he wouldn't show to the customer. he would deal with it by drinking a fifth of whiskey and running over anyone on a bike in gta every night he had

i'm almost done with ds2. i still think demons souls is my favorite of the series i hoped dk2 would be a melding of demons and dark souls which it kinda is but something seemed missing from the equation. suikoden i need to play agian, i started it but the souls series breaks my concentration for all other games.

DINGDINGDING perfect midwest reply

holy shit this is awesome! i always check both giant bomb and kotaku and was bummed when i saw you leaving giant bomb but i guess it's not so bad now...

yeah a black and white version would be bad but the kotaku system also has "wait" which i think is better than just giving something the equivalent yes or no with a number score and forgetting the fact it maybe better down the line.

i think metacritic is part of the problem though, because it only accounts for day one perspective. it fosters a culture where the score matters more than the actual value. games differ from traditional scoring methods because there is room for change after a game comes out though dlc and patches. it's sort of like

i think the difference is that people rely on review scores rather than words. skyrim came out with the highest of praise but it was buggy as shit. i haven't played unity but once they patch it it may be great. as much as i hate the model of, "push it out the door and patch it later" the meta critic blanket review

i think it would be one thing if they gave bonuses by their own metrics, but giving metacritic that much value kinda reinforces the their own flaws. reviewers are paid critics. as we've seen with youtubers getting benefits from positive reviews, there is a level of things that aren't completely transparent. i think

kotaku has a yes/no/wait system i think if you read why they switched you'll find your answer. if i remember it has to do with reviews being sort of like a day one snapshot rather than an evolving painting. metacritic is flawed in that it only shows you the day one impressions of reviewers.

i'm not sure if its just that i'm busier but normally i can't put the souls series down, but i've really slacked hard on this one. i just beat the gargoyles the other day by myself cause i didn't want to waste my human effigies. there seems to be more risk reward which is okay. it is just not a time for stressful