dragons dogma was way more divisive reviews wise.
dragons dogma was way more divisive reviews wise.
this game is definitely a contender the only way it could be bumped is if dark souls 2 comes out this year which i'm sorta doubtful about. and really even then i'm still thinking this might be my GOTY.
waving in dark souls when someone wont come close and the "well, what is it? action" when you win. nuff said.
i'm pretty much the same, but i play action titles an palette cleansers from time to time. my backlog is a bit long, but if i finish four things i started i could maybe do this by febuary. my list would be: ni no kuni wrath of the white witch, batman arkham city, nier, 3d dot game heroes.
i think the ending of lost or that monster movie he did would be brought up before lindelof.
WHAT! alien 3 is way way worse than prometheus it's almost unwatchable.
i went in tuesday afternoon bought my pre-order and my roommates copy but maybe it's cause i don't go the ones right by walmart and the mall. i've never had any reason to complain about gamestop so far.
you could buy an entire used one.
yeah i thought the demo was jarring too, but i did find out that the combat wasn't super simple which is what i was mostly afraid of. i went out in -19f degree weather to get me and my roommates copy so it better be worth it.
i submit the dragon god in demon's souls also to this list.
vagina dentata...
i'm mostly with you all i'm saying is farming pure blade stone in demon's souls super annoying. meanwhile i can soul farm all day long if i need to.
1)it probably won't do great fiscally but it'll be a winner.
it's a tough call for me cause i play mostly rpgs and i'm not a fan of first person perspective. i thought assassins creed three would be my goty but compared to the other games in the series it wasn't as good or me even though i thought the naval battles were amazing everything else sorts was lacking polish or just…
i think with the new engine some of these things might be fixed. i'd like better communication with phantoms so when your hosting you could make it clear what your intentions are like bosses or just pvp. i'm not sure i want voice chat though. some annoying 15 year olds would ruin immersion.
i assume you are trolling but i couldn't disagree more i hate first person perspective, it pulls me out of a game more than anything. a sci fi darksouls could be amazing though.
try "nier" it's pretty underrated.
that's super funny considering that typically drow are evil in the forgotten realms series, it's already racist. it's like he's saying i like black people so long as they are the good guys. well, perhaps they will eventually figure out fictional characters and tropes. one can hope right?