
Capitalized. It's the Internet, full stop. I know it's not really a singular thing, but we treat it like it is, and the capitalization reflects that.

I think my choice would be Jimi Hendrix at Woodstock. Led Zep would be a close second, preferably the 1972 tour. And yeah, Queen at Live Aid would have been great, even though I watched it live on TV.

This was one of my favorite movies in my youth, both because I was a bullied kid similar to Clifford, and because it was endlessly repeated on HBO. But unsurprisingly, when I rewatched it a few years ago, I found myself much more interested in the adults. And it was also fun seeing the young Adam Baldwin again and

I think my 12th question would be, "What little-known fact about you would surprise your fans?"

What is one little-known thing about you that would surprise your fans?

I have always loved Star Trek: The Motion Picture, and I don't give a fudgesicle what anyone thinks.

I really liked this movie as a kid, but yeah, it's pretty terrible. I love the Cygnus, and the score, and Schell's relentless mastication of the scenery. But the rest is awful.

Three words (well, two words and a letter):

Hi there, fellow Metairie person! There was indeed a Sound Warehouse at Lakeside. I think I may have bought my copy of In 3-D there. I was about eight years older, though, and it was nowhere near the first album I bought.

Never mind all of that, what about The Girl, The Gold Watch and Everything? She was adorable with that terrible fake Southern accent.

A tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying not a goddamn thing.

I will never forgive John Goodman for spoiling The Crying Game during a monologue on Saturday Night Live. I worked so hard to avoid hearing that twist and then he blew it for me. I still liked the movie, but I would have liked it a lot more if not for that.

My favorite is the final scene, in fact the final word, of Eyes Wide Shut. Lovely use of the word to wrap up the film—with a little Christmas bow on top.

Well, it's easier to link to the article than to keep retyping, over and over, why I love this album. Just like it's easier to accuse people of self-promotion for trying to make themselves heard than to actually listen to them.

Well, it's easier to link to the article than to keep retyping, over and over, why I love this album. Just like it's easier to accuse people of self-promotion for trying to make themselves heard than to actually listen to them.

(raising hand)

Well, I LOVE Lulu. I realize that I'm almost totally alone in this, but I think it's a masterpiece. I see it as an unaccustomedly arty project for Metallica that completely paid off—but that fits much better into Lou Reed's body of work than their own.

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and vote for The Doors. Flame at will.

I'm surprised you left out Marilyn Manson's horribly named brand of absinthe. (Although it's hard to get in the US, so I guess you're forgiven.)

Ozric Tentacles?
For cryin' out loud, how could you forget Ozric Tentacles?