
Goddamnit! Fuck you, Zack Snyder for your continued influence on one of my favorite characters of all time. This is not Dick Grayson and not something I’m going to watch.

Man, they really just can’t let this whole “dark and gritty” thing go, can they? Were they all that emotionally scarred by The Dark Knight?

I can’t tell if you and the people starring this are serious. Yeah it sucks that someone has to remind you the Amazon profits by cutting costs at the bottom.

Dude...go for a walk or something...

“Happy” is the death of drama for genre fiction. The fight for inclusion for all historically marginalized groups shouldn’t result in happy endings. Boring stories are happy.

Hell, he went so far as to SABOTAGE her fundraiser by claiming that she had exaggerated her injuries. I hope like hell she sues his estate and gets all she can.

Exactly. And if XXXTiddledick was actually truly changing and trying to change. Like so many of you stans in the greys were so concerned about. That girl would not have had to get on go fund me to pay for her eye surgery. He would take that money and pay for it. And pay for her housing and therapy, education and what

This x100000000000.

Fuck you Sarah, and your boss too.

I honestly feel like the bar for some people is, “If you’re a man, and you make a mistake, you’re excommunicated.”

I’ve heard people are totally ready to cancel Bateman since his apology. I feel like we are failing to distinguish between the men who commit sexual assault and the rest of the male population.

I think calling Trump talented is a bit of a stretch here.

It’s no surprise to me at all that he shows love to Trump. I’ve been saying for the longest that Kanye is the Donald Trump of hip hop (and inversely, that Donald Trump is the Kanye of politics). Huge ego. Love the attention and publicity and do and say a lot of controversial shit to get it. Can’t handle criticism.

Yah, seemed like an unnecessary cheap shot against a movie series that is generally well-liked. Also a movie series that has endured enough cheap shots from Hollywood as it is...

How can you not love Ron Perlman?!

Looks sweet, but why the dig at the movies? They were surprisingly decent and had a great feel. Better than lots of other attempts at comic-to-screen attempts.

There is no guarantee Dems will win the House and/or Senate. We need to get involved - donate, calls, hit the streets. Sitting back and hoping the GOP is just going to implode is NOT going to be enough.

Good to hear! That’s fine about 2nd players campaign. In effect, 1st players campaign IS 2nd player’s campaign as well. My friend and I aren’t worried about who’s name progress goes under, since we’d only play the game when we’re both available anyways. Works functionally the same way as Fable 3 did.

You don’t understand. These people run a story on SHS almost every day. It’s like they actually think she’s got the secret to all of the country’s problems and is going to unveil them at a presser.

eh. i mean, i was playing X remaster all summer.