
If you read the flavor list sometime, you’ll clearly tell it’s aimed at young people. Cigarette companies, and now by extension, E-cig companies have always traditionally targeted young people. They sell smoking as the “cool” thing to do.

I deleted my facebook 4 years ago. No anger involved. I just wanted a break. And i’ve never felt an urge to return. I still speak with friends, I have a calendar to remember birthdays on my phone, and I call people I actually miss speaking to. Life has gone on.

Youtube should demonetize the entire channel. Its the person promoting dangerous behavior, not a single video.

What a petty, small minded response. The commenter wrote a well reasoned and scientifically accurate comment and you accuse them of bias for no reason. You’re comment is what I expect from a person who writes an article with such a unprofessional title.

It’s not the responsibility of artists to address the shortcoming of the artists who came before them. These creators were making a video game, not a museum art show. Every artist in the world is influenced by someone who came before them. Artists cant keep painting to address the short comings of artists who came

That was 100% implied. His sentence structure conveys that notion.

Lucky for me, when I first bought this guide (over a decade ago?!), I had just gotten internet in my house, and so I printed out all of the online content and inserted it in to the strategy guide so I would never have to log on to playonline to get 1 sentence like “Boss is weak against fire.”

FF9 was always my favorite FF. The animation style was great. The balance between comedic and dramatic moments was just to my taste. The combat and skills system was easy to grasp (i hate the standard 30 page wall of text that FFs normally use to explain their systems). Just a great game overall, and i’m pretty sure I

I just found out Black people hate this, so i’m rushing to support it! I’m genetically predisposed to loving shit that black people hate. I didn’t know that before just now!

You’re really good at googling images for your articles... and insulting people pointlessly in back to back paragraphs. Well done. I can feel the country moving in the right direction already. This has done it.

OMG babyboomers.. will you just go away already? I’m sick of their backwards generation ruining every aspect of our civilization.

She doesn’t regret her comments. You can just tell she was forced to apologize to smooth things over. She probably hasn’t had a moment of true self-reflection in her entire life. She regrets being caught in the people’s crosshairs.

Someone was ignoring them? People have been talking about them for ages.

Reading this made me feel so lucky I was born straight, white and male. I’ve often reflected on my circumstance. I pictured how intolerant my parents would be of my life style if I didn’t happen to be the poster child for the status quo in their eyes. As it is, when they speak about politics I argue or roll my eyes

I simply try to cut out red meat, limit my meat to organic/cage free/ local chicken (went to the farm to verify everything was lovely), and sub in meat free meals 4-5 times a weak. I agree raising meat is terrible for the environment, I agree most meats are terrible for you, but I don’t think a person has to be all in

He already apologized for his wording. If you shame people who are trying to improve you send them further into the other camp. They start to feel like they are being censored and silenced, and then they vote for Trump. Sorry you’ve heard the question every time a woman has been assaulted, but there are 3.5 billion

In my opinion there shouldn’t be billionaires anyway. If you’re stock pilling money into the hundred millions, time to spread that money among your employees. I’m sure people see Elon as a job creator who would do better things with the money than his employees, but that’s bullshit. Elon is not a 1 man maverick. He is

Jail. People who cannot keep their cool when they own guns, need to have those guns taken away, and put in jail. If there are no consequences to walking around the street shooting your gun at whatever you want then what kind of lesson does that teach people?

I don’t see the resemblance.

The race for the “worst human” title is a 7 billion person tie.