
As a working artist I appreciate that people need to value their work, but $200k is probably $500 of material, and $199500 of valuation. This is exactly why I struggle to respect the current Fine Art market place. It’s pretentious and only serves the mega wealthy. You shouldn’t need a $100k salary and a doctorate to

It’s probably my favorite.

Do you feel like you’re on the right path with that comment? Just, really think about it.

I can’t believe you don’t have uncharted on this list. It’s one of the best!

I don’t get it either. I come home from work, I watch a conference and enjoy seeing game trailers. Thats about it. I don’t get how people have so much room in their lives to be critical and negative about such small things.

Probably find out its a Youtuber and he’ll claim it’s a prank. And i’ll sigh and die a bit inside.

I really don’t know why the States treat the Constitution as this perfect document handed down from some higher power. Its a piece of paper that was written by men, its extremely flawed, and every country has one. At some point you have to let common sense reign.

Without naming names, I sometimes feel like the updates make the list worst. The list takes up new games, but not better games.

It’s kinda funny how this thread is going on and on about getting ready for some “white person” to come in and defend him, and yet nobody has. I’m sure he has apologists, but honestly, I just don’t know why. I hope the last vestiges of his fan base are jumping ship. I’m sick of seeing mayer propped up as a great

I was hoping to see them announce the episodic plan was cancelled. I’m not interested in playing TellTale’s FF7 remake. And I have no patience for companies that try to maintain hype over several years. I wish companies would just release trailers when they were a couple months out.

“The rest of the developed world provides health care to all its citizens. But the US hasn’t quite figured out how to do it.”

To be fair, she did write “white people”. You have to excuse the white people who read that and then assumed its about them... but cause she wrote “white people” and they are white.

I haven’t seen the show, but I thought the movie did a pretty good job of balancing opinions (including the perspective of a white character who had a central role). This kind of gut response is exactly what I expect from people how have guns and American flags in their twitter profile picture though.

Also, it’s a TV

Speaking properly is a matter of perspective and cultural identity. French Canadian could be considered a sloppy version of French, and yet it’s how people speak. But i’ve personally been made fun of my Parisians for it.

Just because the manner in which white people speak right now is status quo, doesn’t mean it’s

As a Canadian, I can definitely speak to the on going abuse against Canada’s aboriginal peoples. Honestly, they have lots of reason to be pissed off, and if I were aboriginal, I would assume the plate was just some racist assholes statement. I say that as a HUGE Star Trek fan. I love that license plate, I would have

New York Times, what are you doing? The world has enough platforms for idiots. Please world, stop giving microphones to idiots. Lahren was fucking bad enough.

Why did I do it? I never read replies. I popped open my notification box and saw “This is bunk”. My eyes started reading before I could look away and then it happened. Your argument frustrated me. Not just because its illogical to argue that airlines that habitually overwork their pilots will have no effect on the

Looks like the I-robot tunnels.

Probably because the author implied it about 1000 times. haha.

As a straight white man, I cannot be happier to see others starting to share the freedoms I was simply born with. And I loath seeing people trying to take them away. The woman who was arguing on Oprah about how she was drowning in news about Ellen’s sexuality, and for some reason blamed Ellen for the news coverage