Brian Burns

Yeah, from the story, apparently there is at least one online group saying they’re working for McCarthy as they attack Gaetz. So I guess the plot twist is that Gaetz hired that company to attack him but also to say they are doing so on contract from McCarthy? What an ouroboros of incompetence.

I am no business person, but it seems to me that for a project this lengthy and complex, Evil Genius should have set up a payment system where they are paid at certain intervals for hitting specific deliverables. Like when I was having some reno work done on my house, certain specific tasks were linked to making a

Or get like SUPER personal about it!

Lots of comments on here already (plus I think I am still in the grays). But I did want to mention that the term “jazz” itself has a similar connotation as “jizz.” There is a good amount of debate over the exact etymology of the term “jazz,” but a lot of folks trace it to a variation of “jism” which technically means

There is a well-know video where Tyson had tweeted that BB-8 from Force Awakens would have sunk into the desert sand. So some of the SW crew made a short demo video showing a pratical BB-8 model (not CGI) rolling across a stretch of desert sand.

Holy crap that was amazing!

I am not a professional in PR, but I have read a few articles about it. I remember reading how rule #1 in a PR emergency is do NOT lie about whatever is causing the problem. You can defer, you can spin, you can just stay silent, but do not straight up lie. There will always be ways to discover the lie and this will

This is very informative, thank you. But I was thinking of another, more obvious legal defense.

Right, there is a big difference between this sort of joke on Conan vs. a situation like Burris sincerely calling out Cosby for committing rape.

While we were able to collect the ‘golden orb’ and bring it onto the ship, we still are not able to identify it beyond the fact that it is biological in origin”

From a sociological point of view, I wonder what sort of need these super authoritian parenting trends/communities fulfill. Before this specific group, there was the whole “Tiger Mom” thing (which continues to have some influence despite the writer Amy Chua basically disavowing the whole thing). And I am sure there

Hah! We actually call it the Cone of Shame, lol

Okay, I own the hair catcher thing (though pretty sure my wife got it from Amazon). During the pandemic, my wife was cutting my hair, and this little thingie did make clean up easier. So not an entirely silly item, though I always did feel silly wearing it lol

There is one treatment for rabies once you start to show symptoms (but yeah, 99% likely you die once you show symptoms). It is called the Milwaukee Protocol and involves putting the patient into a medically induced coma to allow the body’s immune system to fight off the infection. However, it has been used in only a

This is why I couldn’t work in PR.

I agree with the idea of a much shorter campaign season. People have already made up their minds by now. Dragging out the whole process is just a waste of money and time. If people are open to changing their minds, then it should take just one or two strong messages to get the point across. If you can’t sway voters to

I want to emphasize how these college football programs are even designed to get young athletes to the pros. Yes, almost all pro players did come from big university football programs, but the vast majority of players in those programs do not go on to play professionally. Less than 1% of the top college football

I really have to wonder how this guy plans to survive in Italy. Whether he was making a living as a teacher at the school or as a parish priest, he wouldn’t have been making much money. He’s also only 30, so would have only been working for maybe six or seven years. How is he able to afford the cost of living in

It does seem silly to drag Bullock into something based on what another person did just because she played a version of that person in a movie. I am sure there are plenty of movies based on or “inspired” by real people who paint the person in a heroic light and then we find out later that person was a jerk. One

I was thinking along the same lines. Basically they walked by and saw the cards piled on a pallet, a pallet jack right next to them, and perhaps their own truck was very close by, so they just grabbed and ran. My understanding is these were not any sort of super rare cards, just large packs that were mostly meant to