Brian Burns

Yeah, it was unfortunate that The Last Jedi was such a flop, making only $1.3 billion dollars off a $300 budget. Clearly no one went to see that movie.

From what I have read about Carlin, a lot of his cynical, cranky old man schtik really was just for the stage. I mean, he would get angry at systems that create or perpetuate injustice, but not get angry on a personal level with individuals. His girlfriend said that in his personal life, he really was a genuine and

I remember reading somewhere about people, especially highly successful people, often becoming mentally “stuck” in the mindset they inhabited at their moment of peak success (or at least what they feel was their peak). So you get adults still acting like they’re in high school because that is when they felt most

I agree with your thinking. It does seem odd that the chess body is getting involved even though his actions after the tournament had nothing to do with the tournament at all. I was thinking that maybe because this is China, there are stricter rules about use of public spaces like hotels, but that doesn’t seem to be

It is fortunate that Mr. Santos was able to utilize his volleyball athletism, along with his MMA champion level combat skills to fight off the three —no thirty— carjackers from making off with the car itself. In fact, his skills at combating crime have resulted in him earning the key to the city of New York from the

I will face the spoiler and I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the spoiler has gone, there will be nothing.

I do not fear spoilers

Yeah, I hate that impossible to open packaging they use for Costco.

Called “The Hunt.” It wasn’t exactly rich vs. poor though. It was specifically rich liberals hunting down social conservatives. I never saw the movie, but I think the implication was the targets were not necessarily poor, more middle class.

Regarding Monster Squad, one must wonder, if Wolfman’s got nards, did Dr. Frankenstein see fit to add nards to his creature? This is a very highbrow cinematic discussion!

Oh, I like that. Let's make it happen!

Agreed. The use of that term “content” is entirely deliberate. It devalues the work of all the individuals involved and trivializes any sort of creative and/or artistic project, turning it into a generic market product. I read a pretty good opion piece about this recently.

It really will be about the founding of the LV-426 colony, won’t it? But they’ll try to get tricky and try to hide that fact until the big “surpise” somewhere before the third act. “No, this isn’t LV-426,  it's John Harrington!" But maybe I will be wrong.

Oh fine, it’s me. Sorry for the spoiler.

I don’t know about a reality TV show, but there are definitely people hosting Hunger Games dinner parties where everyone is supposed to dress in the gaudy, over the top style as characters from the Capitol. No word if others dress as tributes and act as servants or whatever. But I have heard of folks having Downton

Brokeback Mountain. A romantic tale of a man learning to open his heart and leaning to love the important woman in his life. Some people say there is some level of same sex attraction subtext between him and his male best buddy, but that is just people projecting themselves into the film.

Makes me think of all the young (and not so young) guys who started their own backyard fight clubs after that movie came out, or folks having Hunger Games-inspired opulent dinner parties. Folks just zoom in on the things they like about a movie or other entertainment and ignore the rest. I am sure there are plenty of

As many folks are saying here, 1. GRRM doesn’t “owe” anything to anyone. And 2. We have seen essentially the way the whole story ends anyway.

For me, a remake is best when there is some seed of the original, but the director has a novel vision that is updated for its time. Basically when a director (and the screen writer(s)) have seen some original property, were inspired by some element of that property, and the. have a clear idea of how they can take that