
I must admit that it’s a quiet Friday afternoon for me, so I did a little searching on this site to see what’s been written about stoves in the past. I do want to switch from gas to induction when it becomes possible for me, so I’m not anti-electric. What I don’t want is a traditional electric stove. This article

“Just fry your tacos fresh” yeah that’s what I’m trying to do on a weeknight, mess with a pot of hot oil and contrive a way to shape tortillas into taco shells.

To be honest I’d absolutely touch something that said “DO NOT TOUCH” just to protest the incorrect use of quotation marks.

What do you think the word autopilot means?

“Hey honey, you know, there’s this section of 101 where my Tesla’s autopilot likes to aim for the median. It’s done it several times, but Tesla said they couldn’t replicate it. I guess I’ll continue to use autopilot anyway. What could go wrong?”

Check the time stamps buddy. Car pulls into bay at 12:54. The 2:11 time stamp is when the car is running on the lift to set the fluid level.

Humor is well and truly dead. great analysis.

English teacher moment: “hurtling,” not “hurdling.” Unless the plane was leaping over fixed barriers, which would use up all the little paper bags.

Maybe the note was suggesting her car needed a new turbocharger.

Ok, come on, you can’t have it both ways on this one. Either saying an entire gender is trash is hate speech, or it’s not. Just because we don’t like the particular men who have been complaining doesn’t make “men are trash” a productive sentiment. And the way to fix “millennia of oppression” is not to normalize the

“Men are trash” is simply not the same thing as sexist attacks on women, because you don’t face the systemic oppression that makes sexist slurs so toxic

Meh, they’re never very convincing on CL. You just have to be the slightest bit street smart and you’ll be fine.

“Cruise control is going to set the engine at one RPM.”


He refused a lawful order to slam into the back of the cop.

If you can dodge an RPG, you can dodge a trailer hitch.

My question:

thats one shitty axe

This is news?