
The continuing adventures of Haedric, human rogue, Kirin Tor server, reduced to simplest terms and iconography:

@Ladi: By play time do you mean total time in-game is 96 hours or four 24-hour days in which you've played WoW at least some of that time.

I've recently created a new World of Warcraft account and been leveling a rogue on the Kirin Tor server. Been playing somewhat casually and hit 30 last night. Remembering my old account (long story) and how long it took to do that back when, the speed with which you level now is ridiculously fun.

What's a series everyone else loves that you just can't get get into?

Would the posting community have any suggestions for a good (one hopes cheap) laptop that will play the current/coming incarnation fo World of Warcraft with a decent framerate and consistent quality?

I sometimes wonder, in the small hours of the night, usually after some hours-long gaming fest, if someday I'm going to look back in regret at all of the collective time I have spent playing video games.

@crews200: I've been playing through the Fallout 3 GOTY before picking up Vegas, and I have to say: It's so much value for the dollar. If you want to mine every bit of possible worth out of it, you're looking at (realistically) hundreds of hours of gameplay. So much of what makes the game great are the small details,

@Pray4Mojo: I would be hard pressed to refute your choice. I loved my Master Sytem from day one.

The three video games that have made my cry are:

So would someone please explain this Minecraft phenomenon to me? I understand that it is, at a basic level, a building game and that people can do some fun, creative things with it.

I have to admit that I suffer from an embarrassment of video gaming riches at the moment. Should I take the time to play every game that I have for my two consoles (360 and PS3) and my gaming computer through and properly, I could go for probably five years and not have to buy a single new title. I will, of course,

Looking forward to New Vegas, on a lark I bought a cheap copy of the Fallout 3 GOTY edition for the 360. I played through the main game a while back on the PC, but I never did any of the downloadable content. And I liked the idea of chilling on the couch blasting wasteland baddies while I waited for New Vegas, so to

Looking forward to New Vegas, on a lark I bought a cheap copy of the Fallout 3 GOTY edition for the 360. I played through the main game a while back on the PC, but I never did any of the downloadable content. And I liked the idea of chilling on the couch blasting wasteland baddies while I waited for New Vegas, so to