At least no one answered with “Minecraft” or any Nintendo property.
At least no one answered with “Minecraft” or any Nintendo property.
I always rooted for Marcie/Charlie Brown. Marcie’s sweetness, intellectualism, and overall goodness seemed a much better match for Chuck than Pettermint Pattie or the pedestal-positioned Little Red Haired Girl. I read a *ton* of classic Peanuts when I was a kid in the collections our local library offered and later…
This is a thing of beauty and should become a real series as soon as possible. I loved the first three Indy films as a kid, and this seems to catch the same spirit. And we get bonus Marion Ravenwood and Marcus Brody!
I need to go play “Fate of Atlantis” again now.
I’m sure it’s on here in someone else’s comments, but Eternal Darkness: Sanity’s Requiem was an utterly remarkable game -- a Lovecraftian-influenced title that truly got the tone, look and cosmic dread implied in the best stories influenced by HPL’s nihilistic cosmos. Yes, you had to play it three times to get the…
What keeps me up at night? Existential dread, mostly.
I expect this will get lost in sea of replies, but hopefully not.
I stopped playing in the Catclysm days. I’ve since thought about resubbing, rolling a new character and playing around to see what’s new. Most of my friends who played have since moved on. A fair number play, for example, The Old Republic, some others enjoy Elder Scrolls Online,. even though I think the game wasn’t…
This is a true story. I bought my PlayStation 3 a while after it came out. A buddy of mine came over and watched while I set it up, and I went through the process of creating my PSN account.
“What name should I choose?” I asked my friend, my wife sitting nearby.
I named my Shepard Arthur. As in King. I wrote a whole weird backstory in my head about how he actually *was* the reincarnation of Arthur, returned in our time of greatest need. Then I remembered I was just cribbing from that Camelot 3000 comic I read as a kid. But yeah, Arthur.
Anyone remember this gem?
I'm waiting a bit to get one, but so far the PS4 is winning my vote. Unless Valve really does announce the official Steambox at this same show, as some are speculating. That ... might ... change my mind. We'll see.
I've noted that the Steam sales have had increasingly diminishing returns for me. As my collection has grown to fairly monumental proportions, there are fewer and fewer things that go on sale that I actually want. I don't know if it's symptomatic of a slowing in releases, or if it's just that I'm finally reaching a…
Sounds like most of you bought yours to play Halo. I bought mine to play Morrowind.
God, you people are young.
God, you people are young.
God, you people are young.
Bought it. So what should a new player know?
I picked up a Vita during the Black Friday sales — the Assassin's Creed bundle. I picked up Persona 4, and I've ordered the cheapest 32 gb card I can find. Should be here soon. Right now I'm researching and compiling a list of both native Vita games and games from previous consoles to play on it.
Except that the majority of PC releases are console ports, at least at this point. Certainly there are exclusives, and if MMOs and certain strategy titles are your thing (and I do enjoy throwing them into the mix), the PC is great. But assuming you've got the machine to run it, playing "Arkham City" on the PC is much…
I'd ask with genuine interest: Why would I want to do that?