
Hey kid the people of Kotaku wish you good luck.

the driver speaks exactly how imagine a mclaren owner to sound.

and they should you corvette driving, gold chain wearing, former mullet possesor.

No that car is a total track suit and gold chain wearing magnet.

right but the Z51 is a cheeseball mobile.

cheese factor is high here

ringo do the laugh

wuzzup...i said wuzzup makeup

Right, considering NO ONE sings live anymore this actually pretty great. The conditions shes in are all pretty much negative checks for being able to stay on key.

He is a murderer so fuck him.


nm! i saw it wrong whew.

Beldar talking about his favorite Thanksgiving foods.

there's a few of these a year. it makes the goalie look stupid but they basically have no chance but to throw their body at it. if they try and catch it they are in trouble.

lol'd at the term 'a few bucks'

um as opposed to say nearly every other car brand that does the same thing?

This has been debunked as a meteor. Source is on the ground.

My only gordie story is a friend's 5 year old brother asking for an autograph and without looking up he said "fuck off".

They aren't afraid of it. In 2014 MPGs are more important and they do that part well.

Mazda just does everything right. If they put that skyactive diesel they developed for the 6 in this it would be awesome.