
This thing is sorted and is a v8 rwd wagon. Even if its overpriced by a little bit itll be worth it. NP

This is like the ultimate first car to buy your kid.

‘Known wife beater’ Warren Moon

ill whing all i want. fuck you.


You didnt read this they refused to pay out the insurance money

no one likes a braggert

no one likes a braggert

All of this is the reason Mars is incredibly dumb to pour money into. Its dead and likely has been dead for 95% of its history. Much more interesting spots in our system.

isnt King a thief?

Oh my god NP

PI is lab speak for ‘primary investigator’ essentially they point the techs or post docs in the direction they want to go and write the finalized paper. I wouldnt point to my own experiences as the science world is also extremely political. Ill just say you will often see competing labs putting out papers debunking

PIs fudge data all the time. Not all but a gery good portion. Its mostly about keeping funding. Show me any publish paper and ill give you 50 PIs that say its complete bullshit to keep the $ coming in.

Most dont and dont care actually

nexus cameras are always a step below. ALWAYs. They struggle mightily in low light.

Will never understand the appeal..Here is a wireless charging pad that has to be plugged in vs the 2 seconds of just plugging a charger into the phone to charge faster. Until wireless charging is to the point where you just need to be near the charging source its a gimmick.

He also does Detroit Lions Games so he is used to plays like this.

Wow dork

And it looks stupid
