Can't beat this Indiana fan's insightful comment, replying to his local station's story:
Can't beat this Indiana fan's insightful comment, replying to his local station's story:
Because air has mass. The more air that is in a football, the more mass it has.
First league investigation of improperly deflated balls that didn't involve PED use.
It leads to the totally valid question of "what else are they doing?"
The guy that bops him in the nose is Grant Long, a former NBA player and current Fox Sports Detroit analyst/sideline reporter. I'm gonna assume they're friendly.
Maybe it's a debilitating sinus issue from breathing all those cloud of dusts after his three-yard runs.
Is Ryan Grigson still the the Colts GM? Getting your ass handed to you by the Browns in a trade should be a fireable offense.
Flex did this one night when I was driving home from a friend's house. 15 minutes of the same beat over and over. But that's not the worst part: I had no idea who he was talking about. He was being intentionally vague saying things like "You're trash, I run NYC" blah blah
Can't blame him, really. Fatigue, sweating, and impaired speech are all hallmark signs of Tomsulitis.
The only thing I'm cringing at is this spray tan piece-of-shit's absolutely pathetic line of questioning.
I wouldn't not say he's going to be a worse coach than Mike Singletary.
FUCK! Time to bust out my "will still be a 9er fan but REALLY THO?" face for about 5-6 years...
In his defense, he was being asked questions that if answered, could maybe lead to tampering allegations (if one of his coordinator hires is currently employed). Also, nobody should talk about an ongoing hiring process by naming names right in the middle of it. I don't see how Kozomor (interviewer) could have…
Niner fans haven't stopped clamoring for Harbaugh to come back since before he even officially left. I know because I am one. No one wants this guy as HC.
"I would not say that. I wouldn't say it either."
I've been clamoring for him to come back since Week 6. We're going to regret this for a long time.
I remember watching this with my dad, a man obsessed with martial art films. So many good memories from this movie, but generally Chow Yun-Fat wrecking people while still acting like the coolest motherfucker alive.
Recently rewatched this, and the entire time, I was trying to remember why Zhang Ziyi looked so damn familiar. Looked her up on IMDB, and of course, aside from Crouching Tiger, she was in Hero, House of Flying Daggers, and Rush Hour 2. What an awesome four-year run. Too bad she never really broke through…
Exactly. It's still his family. Win or lose, he has every reason to emphasize the connections instead of pushing people away.