
I saw this when it aired. At the time a lot of the stuff the commentaries found strange about the espisode wasn't even worth comment. It was just a different time. I do have to say though, of all the episodes of shows like this I watched as a kid, this is the only one I really remember, so I suppose they did something

There were parts that were funny but no where near as good as she was back in the day. I feel like her political changes are not working well with her humor (or that she hasn't developed her newer political ideas enough to make them funny— a lot of it came off as sophomoric).

Ewoks are awesome.

No they don't. They love him because he eats fancy steak but puts ketchup on it and talks like a blue collar worker from New York. This is what is so funny and sad about the whole thing. You have poverty-line liberals attacking a multi-billionaire executive, and they somehow still manage to come out looking like the

My first advice to my fellow liberals is to toss this idea of 'narrative'. In the field of history that isn't even what the word means. And the way we use it, allows for competing versions of the truth to exist which, sorry to say again, is one of the things that gave rise to Trump. It is no accident that so much of

Not a fan of Trump myself. But given the system is what it is, we are going to keep losing if we act like snobs.

And this post is why we will lose the election next cycle as well. So sad. Extremely upsetting.

This reaction is why he won the election fellas.

No one complained about Ewoks until years after Jedi came out, when folks grew up and felt ashamed for liking their cuddly cuteness. I was there, I saw you all gaze in wonder at the Ewoks when they first appeared.

I don't know about the whole bad writing argument. I get the it is morally bad to be sexist argument. I don't think it always equates to one dimensional female characters and I don't think one dimensional female or male characters are necessarily an aesthetic flaw. When I hear people say things like "it is lazy

In that objections to Ewoks are entirely aesthetic. There may be a few isolated critics who dislike them on moral grounds (noble savage or what have you) but by and large people who hate Ewoks and love RotJ simply dislike that they are cute and seem to pander to children. Feminist critiques are rooted in a moral

It isn't the same thing. People who don't like Ewoks are not making a moral argument. Feminist Critiques of film are moral arguments and I think that creates a huge difference.

Sorry but the opinion of the guy in charge of writing the show matters. You can keep wailing in the wind all you want, keep insisting all you want. It is still a kid's show that also appeals to adults. Is the writing good? Yes. Does good tv writing mean every show needs to be examined under a pretentious critical

And yes, dissecting a children's show as if you were dissection some great work of cinema is the definition of pretentious.

No, it hasn't. And asserting over and over again that you proved me wrong doesn't make it so. It does not matter that the drama department is in charge of Who. Judging the show by its contents, its history and what the creative leads say it is intended for, make it clear this is a kids show. Moffatt himself has said

I am not trolling. I am responding to a review that took itself too seriously yet was also clearly out of its depth. This is obviously a children's show that also appeals to adults. At best it is a young adult's show, but that is really stretching it in my opinion. Now that said, I love Doctor Who. I think this season

There is nothing pretentious about pointing out to adults trying to over analyze a children's show, that it is in fact a children's show. And yes, Doctor Who is indeed a show meant for children. It happens to also appeal to adults but that doesn't change the fact that its target audience is children. It started as a

Sure, except he wasn't really doing that. He was basically building an argument that the show should cater to his short attention span, using impressive language to do so. For example he mentioned emotional impact. One of the weaknesses of the show has been they've gone to tighter, shorter episodes with no two

Wow, now THAT was one pretentious review of a children's show. A big down side of the internet is people's' sophistication in analysis so often exceeds their own intellect. The reviewer wants people to know he is smart. Sadly I remain unconvinced.

The stand-up routine before the attempted rape, in my opinion, was not to establish his credibility as a feminist, it was a commentary on the difference between really internalizing a truth and mistaking your ability to adopt the correct language and talk for real understanding. We have to remember, it is clear that