Brian M Jones

people need to RTFM

Its fair because no one cares about nokia and blackberries?

Same here. I started emailing myself notes for meetings and pulling them up on my tablet. Management has noticed how little paperwork I print out now and throw away and they now want to buy a handful of tablets for a trial run in the office. 90% of what we print is tossed within 10 minutes.

I cooked 2 drives at work within a week :-/ Never had a problem at home but within 3 days of each other I cooked a 8gb and a 16gb pen drives because something had files locked on them so I yanked them out and they are no longer recognized on any computer.

Craft iron daggers, enchant them, sell them. use the money to buy more mats, rinse and repeat. 100 enchanting in just a few play sessions.

Also there is no such thing as a laptop computer anymore. They're "Notebook" computers and come with specific warnings NOT to place them on your lap or any bare skin while they're on as they get hot enough to cause first degree burns under heavy use.

Do not want. Why would I want my phone that I payed $300 for and am personally bound to a two year contract and am financially liable for to be managed by my employer? I just toss my crappy blackberry they provide in my jacket pocket or laptop bag and forward my calls to my personal phone.

Stressed about a fart? Please I hot box people on conference calls at work every day. Stuck in your cube with a meaty fart on an important call!

I have about 350 purchased apps on the app store. Ranging from TomTom to Infinity blade to Angry Birds to Rage. I could see paying a subscription for one month to see which of the games are good as long as you can still purchase individual titles.

Smoked turkey or GTFO.

lol standing in line. order that shit online and have it delivered to your work like I did with my 4s.

I only have 2 and they're not moving so I haven't had to have them extracted.

You aren't required to take tablets out of a bag, or the 11 inch macbook air.

If this was the full version like the desktop version I would pay $7 for it. It needs survival mode though at least. Multiplayer would be nice but not expected.

Benjamin Button and No Country for Old Men were good. I'm glad I didn't pay to see them and I'd never watch them again but they were good.

I would learn to knit if I had a penguin to put a sweater on.....adorable.

well i don't know about the rest of you, but I'm hard....

RAGE had some serious issues at launch. After 2 or 3 days it was playable for me and I played the shit out of it. I'm playing it through on the hardest difficulty level and loving it, now that I know significantly more about the game. The only problem with it now is the racing is still stupid, the card games....meh,

This, notice the trigger is a pivot type, also the hammer, beaver tail, and safety are wrong for a 1911. Plus .45 isn't real big outside the USA.

Every phone has issues, and in the future just FYI if your iPhone locks up you can force a shutdown by holding down the home and power button until the screen blanks. The most frustrating phone I ever owned was the original Moto Droid. The phone was great, the GPS was shit. It would lock up and never acquire resulting