Brian M Jones

ALL providers have plans that are data and texting only provided you can prove that you are deaf. I've tried to get on these plans multiple times, but just ignoring them when they talk to you isn't proof apparently.

If they'd release Minecraft for the iPad I'd buy it. They haven't, this will do for now.

since the market has about 1 good app in it and they have 100 customers capable of installing apps, of whom 50 may redeem this offer you're saying they only have to give away 50 apps, sweet deal for them.

or the clock app.

that's fantasti........wait company security policy prevents me from installing ANYTHING on my blackberry, even music.

I used it to tether for free ;D that was it.

My Pop Sci automatically moved itself to news stand yesterday. I was like "WEEEEEEEE" but then i realized there wasn't a new issue and i went dawwwwwww :(

I'd love to sit in one of those and take a nap on the way to work. have it drop me off and pick me up afterwards.

And I've seen NetWare servers with 8 year up times that doesn't make them good.

Which is fine I guess, on second thought it's better. Because my little sister can use my itunes account on her iPhone and my fiancee and I can use it on ours, and I can use my mobile me on my iPad for the uber storage.....

You are not Apples target audience.

I chatted with tech support last night and the answer was no, you cannot. they MAY move your purchases to your mobileme/icloud account but no promises. I use a gmail account that is ONLY for iTunes purchases. I have used this account for the last 4 years. A year ago I bought MobileMe. They will not merge them, but

If you run out/low on ram it will close apps. They show in the list as still being open but they're hibernated and you can't instantly resume them. Some apps STILL don't allow multitasking like Netflix. I've owned an iPad, iPad 2, and several iPhones.

well played......I lost my RIM love the first time I had to perform a BES upgrade. That shit NEVER goes according to "plan"

this is kind of a new way to handle web browsing, only it's not really new, see skyfire. They did it first. But it's still very cool.

Flash is more optional now than it was a year or two ago. THere's still some stuff you cannot see or do online without Flash but for the most part there are alternatives. But that didn't start until the original iPhone with it's youtube app when google started converting youtube videos slowly away from flash.

BookBook or gtfo.

they have "4G" ones not 4G.

Ditto, I use about 1.5gb a month on my iPad. I watch netflix, do 99% of my email on it, 99% of my texting, 99% of my google chat, etc on it. I'll prob go over that on an iPhone.

Well my plan is 16gb phone, stream/download as necessary any songs or apps I don't have currently installed that I suddenly need.